one knife-edge after delivery should always pay attention to the changes. Perineal incision for delivery of maternal, often may be the following exception:
1, wound hematoma: the performance of 1-2 hours in the suture severe pain blade area that is becoming more and more important, or even appear heavy feeling in the anus. You should immediately tell the staff, check in time, probably not enough doctors to stop bleeding in the suture. In this case, timely and open the thread, remove the hematoma, suture live bleeding, re-suture the wound, the pain will soon disappear, most can be properly healed.
2, wound infection: the performance of 2-3 days in the post-partum, wound locally redness, swelling, heat, pain and other inflammation, and may have induration, purulent secretion when squeezed material. In such cases, should be taking the appropriate antibiotics, and removal of sutures, so that pus out. Also can be used to help the anti-inflammatory therapy, or 1:5000 potassium permanganate solution bath temperature. These measures, due to the perineum rich blood supply, there is a strong healing ability, it generally will get better after 1-2 weeks, or healing.
3, wound dehiscence after suture removal: Some mothers in the perineal wound dehiscence after suture removal, this time as have been discharged, they should immediately go to hospital treatment. If the wound tissue fresh, split time is short, can be properly disinfected immediately after the second suture, 5 days after the removal of stitches, most can once again grow well; such as wound tissue is not new, and there is discharge, can not be repaired, can be used potassium permanganate solution bath, and antibiotics to prevent infection, wait until after the partial formation of scar healing.
Second, pay attention to the perineal wound after delivery of care, so that the local clean.
stitches before the day, such as disinfectant used 1:1000 Bromogeramine wash twice a stool should also wash one time, and should avoid contamination of feces and other filth; stitches, the majority of mothers in this when home, such as the lochia not clean, should adhere to a daily genital washing with warm open twice. Meanwhile, the stool should be kept unobstructed in order to avoid wound dehiscence, if necessary, can serve some laxative. Preferably sitting stool, and avoid the pit too long. In addition, after the stitches inside the wound is not yet firm, it is not too much walking, the action should not be too much exercise.
In addition, in normal circumstances, the perineal wound discomfort will be in stitches before, sitting may also be pain, usually after suture removal to reduce, but will need 2-3 weeks after return to normal sensation. Some of the lived about 10 days and found out the vagina with the end of the bowel out of thread, which do not panic, it is shed from the vaginal opening catgut. If a thread in the perineum, a doctor should be promptly removed to avoid infection.