On the severe weather front, there is a wide-spread swath of possibility in the mid-west tomorrow where chasers are sifting through the details to find a glimmer of hope. I see it, but I'm not putting a whole lot of energy into the forecasting since it is obviously well beyond my reaches. I will be keeping my eye on it, if for no other reason than to cyber-chase it from afar. Good luck to those who venture out.
Those who venture out tomorrow may give us our first glance of the new ChaserTV/iMap interface. I will be interested to see how it works out. I have adjusted my set-up to integrate the iMap, and have embedded the iMap on the LIVE VIDEO page of my web site. However, I'm not fully committed just yet, not until I see how it works.
For now, we will hope folks keep their fire to themselves, and we'll see what tonight's model runs offer for a glimpse into tomorrow's action