
The Politics of Secrecy | thebrokencorral

In a OP-ed , The New York Times outlines the immoral policies of an administration unleashed from reality. The United States of America will suffer decades of negative world opinion based on the documents released by Wikileaks,  but whose to blame ?  Don´t shoot the messenger , or for that matter Bradley Manning.  If you see a crime being committed , do you blame the person calling 911 ? These documents, more than any others released by Wikileaks , demand an end to the US governments harassment of Assange, and insinuate a legally valid moral position taken by Manning in the copying and sharing of these files, if he was even really the source .

And obviously these documents scream for  the American people to demand that their government begins acting in a moral and legal manner , even with the most hardened of these terrorists. There´s always an opposite story. Even the United States own revolutionary heroes were terrorists in the eyes of the British. These men deserve the legal right to present their side in a court of law,  an open and public court of law,  and to be defended with the same standards we would require for ourselves.

And the perpetrators of the crimes committed within Guantanamo must also be brought before judges to defend their gross denial of basic and guaranteed Human Rights as signed by the United States in 1948 in the UN and known as The Universal Declaration of Human Rights. And no man , caused by wealth or position or power should be immune,  not even Presidents !

Until Americans can restore our moral order and show  we´re willing to rectify our errors,  we will continue being the ¨bad guys´to most of the world.

Addendum- the story of the surfacing and the politics played out between Assange and the Times for these documents to be made public

