Jammu’s Raison d’etre!!!!!! « mondeascensionjammu
Well one does wonder at times if we (Jammu) are even needed to be around as a society. There hardly appears to be any major change in our lacklustre and exanimate approach with respect to our future, and astonishingly we do not even tend to pick a cue or two from things that happen in our neighbourhood (valley).
Its almost stupefying to come to terms with this understanding as to how is it that the valley seems to have managed to hold on to this multifaceted approach towards their so called 'objective' which is only as clearly understood as is life itself (!!). With they (Kashmiris) championing the cause for the so called settlement of the 'Kashmir' dispute, then yet again they only taking oaths and swearing under the Indian constitution to serve the nation's interest (unless and until they have some extraterrestrial intelligence telling them that the actual interest of the nation also lay in what they aspired (!!), with the nation also having to waste so much of its resources thanks to the dispute).
Amusingly amongst them, there are some who are the fence sitters, changing their stance depending on the situation and their needs of the hour.
Its totally incapacitating to conjure as to what exactly do they want and more importantly how on earth have they managed to get away with things in spite of contradicting their own stand every now and then.
'Jammu' on the other hand seems to be right there, all 'Indian' at heart, willing to live and die for the nation and its cause, but then somehow one does get this feeling that more often than not, it happens to get a raw deal when it comes to the nation watching its interests. Is that the price it has to pay for its undaunted display of national sentiment and undying Indian spirit.
Why is it that somehow or the other, the region and its society seldom gets acknowledged the way ideally it should be. For having borne the brunt of more than six decades of a conflict that should never have been there from their perspective. But then thanks to the way the things have been handled by the central authorities it only seems a long walk before any solution to our (Jammu) woes can be found.
Why is it that the leadership of the region also has to face major embarrassments every now and then, with their interests and aspirations always overruled under one pretext or the other. Its only intriguing as to how a sensitive issue and region can be addressed by ways in which all that seems to reflect is nepotism and oligarchy along with the regional vendetta being pampered, with this hope that perhaps it shall trigger some kind of a quid pro quo in the form of some change in stand which never seems to have happened in the past 60 years.
Why are we here then, are we here to simply watch our interests being run over and compromised while we prefer dealing with a clear and present danger by closing our eyes and telling ourselves that there is none. But then its only going to be short-lived and so shall we a society, unless and until we do not take a stand. Email Facebook StumbleUponMore ‘Drinking Makes You Do Stupid Things’ News « Zwinglius Redivivus
Showing up drunk at school is bad form. Though in his defense chances are pretty good some of the students showed up that way too- or stoned out of their minds. And some of those kids left homes where mom or dad or both were brain rotted by some substance like alcohol or drugs.
Intoxication by various means is a huge problem and as long as it's winked at, it will continue. Plus, it makes you look aged well beyond your years… This guy looks 60, not 48.
Corte di Cassazione, Sezione III civile, Sentenza 24 maggio 2011 n. 11430. Diritto al risarcimento del danno per il passante che riporta lesioni per essere inciampato in una buca non visibile perché coperta dall’acqua piovana « Avv. Renato D'Isa
Have-done: « Anhora
Ich renne in der Wohnung herum, von einem Telefon zum andern, von einem Job zum andern. Es verlangt mich danach, Nützliches zu tun. Auch Arbeitslose sind nützlich, wie man sieht.
Dieser Beitrag wurde geschrieben von am Mittwoch, 25. Mai 2011 um 14:13 und eingeordnet unter Arbeit, Tagesgedanken. Du kannst den Antworten zu diesem Eintrag mit Hilfe des RSS-2.0-Feeds folgen. Du kannst eine Antwort schreiben oder einen Trackback von deiner eigenen Seite schicken.Simply shocking « PERCY WELLER
Twitter with Percy iPods allowed into school exams.....http://wp.me/pA4Hj-1In 1 day ago Government to make people donate to charities....http://wp.me/pA4Hj-1Ih 2 days ago No more illegal immigrants only irregular migrants....http://wp.me/pA4Hj-1Ib 2 days ago Two restaurants = 11 illegal workers.....http://wp.me/pA4Hj-1I3 4 days ago Percy's categories BIG BROTHER (4) British jobs for British workers (80) Broken Britain (160) Environment (6) General (22) Law & Disorder (239) NHS WATCH (11) Uncategorized (2) WANTED POSTERS (3) Feed My BoxHAVE BLOG UPDATES DELIVERED TO YOUR EMAIL BOX.
Watch videos at Vodpod and other videos from this collection.Côte d’Ivoire / Both sides responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity « Database of Press Releases related to Africa – APO-Source
Côte d'Ivoire / Both sides responsible for war crimes and crimes against humanity
LONDON, United-Kingdom, May 25, 2011/African Press Organization (APO)/ — Forces allied to both former Côte d'Ivoire President Laurent Gbagbo and incumbent Alassane Ouattara committed war crimes and crimes against humanity during six months of deadly violence following disputed elections, Amnesty International said in a report released today.
'They looked at his identity card and shot him dead: Six months of post-electoral violence' contains shocking testimonies from victims and witnesses to massacres, rapes and manhunts and concludes that forces loyal to both parties committed serious violations of international humanitarian law.
"Human rights violations are still being committed against real or perceived supporters of Laurent Gbagbo both in Abidjan and in the west of the country," said Gaëtan Mootoo, Amnesty International's West Africa researcher.
"Alassane Ouattara's failure to condemn these acts could be seen as a green light by many of his security forces and other armed elements fighting with them to continue. Alassane Ouattara must publically state that all violence against the civilian population must stop immediately."
An Amnesty International delegation that spent over two months in Côte d'Ivoire and gathered more than 100 witness statements from people who survived a 29 March 2011 massacre in Duékoué (about 500 km west of Abidjan) and neighbouring villages.
The statements all indicate a systematic and targeted series of killings committed by uniformed FRCI forces (The Forces Républicaines de Côte d'Ivoire were created by Alassane Ouattara on 8 March 2011) who executed hundreds of men of all ages on political and ethnic grounds.
Before killing them they asked their victims to give their names or show identity cards. Some of these identity cards were found beside the bodies.
A woman who lived in Duékoué told Amnesty International:
"They (FRCI forces) came into the yards and chased the women. Then they told the men to line up and asked them to state their first and second names and show their identity card. Then they executed them. I was present while they sorted out the men. Three young men, one of whom was about 15, were shot dead in front of me."
Amnesty International's report also details the inaction of the United Nations Operations in Côte d'Ivoire (UNOCI), based just 1 kilometre from the main site of the killings in Duékoué. Victims told Amnesty International that they had repeatedly requested help from UNOCI but received no response.
UNOCI's presence in the Duékoue region was also limited to one battalion of just 200 soldiers meaning protection for tens of thousands of displaced people was not provided.
Amnesty International has made several public and private appeals for UNOCI to strengthen its presence in the area but this has not been done.
"UNOCI has a mandate to protect the civilian population yet in some cases it clearly failed to do this," said Gaëtan Mootoo. "UNOCI officials told us that it is the duty of the state to protect civilians; however as the national forces firstly under Laurent Gbagbo and then under Alassane Ouattara themselves committed horrific crimes how can we expect them to protect the civilian population?"
Attacks against villages inhabited by people belonging to ethnic groups considered supporters of Laurent Gbagbo continued in the first weeks of May. Between May 6 and 8 several villages were burned and dozens of people killed. The FRCI justified these acts by saying that they were looking for arms and Liberian mercenaries.
Since December 2010, forces and militias loyal to Laurent Gbagbo also committed war crimes and crimes against humanity including extrajudicial executions, torture and rape.
In late February these forces began to shell a densely populated neighbourhood of Abidjan that had come under the control of anti-Gbagbo armed elements, killing a number of people.
One witness to the shelling told Amnesty International:
"I can still see those two women with their legs blown off by the shell. They were taken to hospital but did not survive their injuries."
Militias loyal to Laurent Gbagbo also burned people. The victims were mainly people with a Muslim name or wearing Muslim clothes.
An eyewitness also told Amnesty International how a person was burnt alive on 27 February 2011:
"The militiamen were beating up a young man. They were armed with machetes, clubs and bricks. As they hit him, they said that he was not from the neighbourhood and accused him of being a rebel. They put several tyres around his neck, he was still alive when they set fire to the tyres.
The mass violations committed by all parties in the last six months have left thousands of victims, their families and large sections of the population scarred and traumatised. Amnesty International is urging the new authorities to urgently re-establish the rule of law and the people's trust in impartial security forces.
Without justice for all victims regardless of their political affiliation or ethnic group, any appeals for reconciliation runs the risk of foundering on an unstable and unsatisfactory compromise that could lead to more bloodshed and vengeance in the future.
"For more than a decade, Côte d'Ivoire has been subject to amnesia and amnesties and successive governments have deliberately refused to accept their responsibility to fight impunity. This cycle must end," said Gaëtan Mootoo.
"President Ouattara has committed himself to ending impunity. To avoid further revenge attacks and violence, he must fulfil this commitment."
Amnesty International
Sony Ericsson: 2.000 utilisateurs piratés « Le journal de la CFTC des Hôpitaux de Strasbourg
San Churro « justmocha
N I went in to ask how to get one, the friendly told me to give her my left hand:
And within 3mins, Walaa~!
wordpress nyebelin « akhwatsmart
pengen nyoba widget meebo me malah ada tulisan klo netnya g konek
eh, jelas2 konek tau!
kenapa sih g bisa? capek2 ngisi profil berkali2 g da hasilnya
padahal seru banget klo ada tuch
argh!! moodq buyar
wordpress (or meebo me) ngeselin?
Danner Boot Supports the Military Helpline « Oregon Partnership Blog
Danner Boot Company has two upcoming events in their Factory Store and at Danner.com to support the Military Helpline!
This week the Danner Factory Store is hosting a $2 sock sale with all revenue going to the Military Helpline. Then Friday through Sunday, May 27, 28 and 29th, all of their Combat Hiker boots will be on sale (Factory Store and Danner.com) with 10% of sales going to the Military Helpline. The Combat Hiker boot has been the issue boot for all US Army soldiers deployed to Afghanistan for the past few years, so Danner Boot is really excited for this opportunity to support our troops both in-theater and after they return home.
Those boots are being offered at a 61% discount this weekend. Please pass this information on to anyone you think might be able to take advantage of it this Memorial Day weekend.
We are thankful that Danner is leading the way in supporting those who serve us so well.
Adiós, “Kunsito” de mi vida « Que no se te olvide el planeta en que vives
Hoy es un día triste para los Atléticos. Nos abandona el jefe del equipo, el líder que nos llevó a conquistar dos títulos europeos el año pasado y que tantas tardes de gran fútbol nos ha regalado. Sí amigos, Sergio Kun Agüero se marcha.
El argentino lo anunció ayer en su página web. Dijo que quería seguir creciendo como futbolista, que no era una cuestión económica lo que le había llevado a tomar esa decisión. El Atlético de Madrid es un equipo que se le ha quedado corto, cortísimo, a un jugador que está entre los cuatro o cinco mejores del mundo. Después del fiasco en la Europa League, de la imposibilidad de plantar cara al Madrid en la Copa del Rey, y de hacer un papel mediocre en la Liga, Agüero ha tomado la decisión de irse este verano a algún equipo con suerte… y dinero. Porque el que quiera llevárselo, tendrá que remitirse a la cláusula de 45 millones que le ata a la entidad rojiblanca.
Ahora comienza el baile de equipos que intentarán fichar a la estrella que creció a la orilla del Manzanares. Suenan especialmente fuertes dos nombres: Manchester City y Real Madrid. El primero se ha llenado de estrellas a golpe de talonario en los últimos años, pero que no llega a cuajar como conjunto y no parece convencer a nadie sobre su potencial real en Europa. Creo que sería un error que el Kun aterrizara allí si lo que pretende es jugar en uno "de los grandes" del planeta fútbol, y supongo que él pensará algo parecido. El segundo candidato a "conquistar" a Sergio es el Real Madrid. Mourinho, que no cuenta con Benzema, estaría encantado de acoger entre sus filas a un delantero de tanto potencial y futuro. El problema es que, en el caso del conjunto blanco, la cláusula del Kun ascendería a una cifra que ronda los 70 millones, lo cual supone un grandísimo desembolso incluso para una entidad tan poderosa como la que preside Florentino Pérez. Si a eso le añadimos que el contrato al jugador no sería inferior a 6 millones de euros por año, lo cierto es que el fichaje se torna tremendamente caro. Más allá de los números, Agüero ha manifestado en varias ocasiones su "antimadridismo" de diversas formas. Y es que cuando te crías en el Atlético de Madrid desde chico (y el Kun llegó con 18 años), se te inculcan unos "valores de serie", como el citado anteriormente. Una tradición, vaya. Pero un impedimento, en cualquier caso, para la relación Agüero-Real Madrid. Así pues, el futuro de la estrella argentina, es aún un misterio.
¿Debemos sentirnos los atléticos traicionados? Ni mucho menos. Agüero se ha portado siempre bien con el club y los aficionados que le adoran. Como dice en su comunicado de despedida, renovó en febrero de este año para no acabar el contrato e irse libre, de tal forma que el equipo que quisiera ficharle tuviera que desembolsar una importante cantidad de dinero al Atlético de Madrid. Durante cinco años, hemos tenido el placer de disfrutar de un fuera de serie, un crack mundialmente reconocido que cada domingo nos hacía creer importantes, sentir que éramos uno "de los grandes". Más aun: hemos sido grandes ganando dos títulos europeos después de tantos años… Simplemente ha sucedido lo inevitable: ha decidido buscar un equipo a su altura. Y siendo serios, el Atlético de Madrid no lo es.
Pues bien, así nos despedimos, Kun. Como con la marcha de Torres hace ya algunos años, hoy es un día gris para todos. En aquel verano, el desasosiego se compensó algo con la llegada del Bota de Oro, Diego Forlán. El Uruguayo también tiene todas las de salir este verano, pero eso es otra historia. Hoy no es su día.
Con estas líneas te digo adiós, compungido y agradecido, Agüero, último gran héroe rojiblanco.
La carta de despedida del Kun
La hora de partir
"Lo he meditado mucho y estoy convencido de que debo ser fiel a mí mismo. Creo que no debo ponerle un techo a la posibilidad de seguir aprendiendo, de seguir creciendo. Después de cinco años intensos, una etapa personal ha terminado y tengo que darle paso a una nueva. Estoy a punto de cumplir 23 años y tengo todo por delante.
De más está decir que no se trata de una cuestión económica, sino estrictamente deportiva. Por eso quiero expresar claramente mi reconocimiento al club por los esfuerzos que ha hecho por mantenerme hasta con un salario acorde a las instituciones más grandes del mundo.
"Quiero decirles también que esta decisión la he estado madurando desde hace tiempo. Incluso, el tema fue hablado y consensuado con el Atleti el año pasado en ocasión de la renovación de mi contrato. Quise firmar, renovar, como una forma de devolver al club y a todos los colchoneros todo lo que me han dado.
"De no haberlo hecho, hubiera quedado en libertad de acción y la institución no hubiera percibido dinero alguno por mi traspaso. Tuve entonces la promesa del Club de que no pondría impedimentos a una eventual partida mía en junio de 2011. Por eso, atento a ese compromiso y en vista de mi decisión indeclinable, le he pedido que escuche sin condicionamiento alguno las ofertas que puedan llegar de distintos clubes.
"Y para la afición, mi eterno agradecimiento. No pretendo ser original ni decir lo políticamente correcto. Prefiero decir lo que siento, más allá de cualquier otra consideración. Porque sé que la única manera que lo entenderán es si lo hago desde mi corazón. Esa fue la manera que yo sentí que me hablaron todos estos años, con afecto y cariño sincero.
"Ustedes ya son parte de mi identidad y de una forma de entender el fútbol. Compartimos alegrías y decepciones. Los 101 goles y la obtención de dos títulos después de tantos años de sequía. Nunca olvidaré el festejo en Neptuno y aquella noche en Barcelona cuando no pudimos conquistar la Copa del Rey. Bien valió la pena, ¿no? Todas esas experiencias terminaron por reafirmar en mí algo que tengo desde pequeño: las ganas de competir, de ganar y de estar entre los mejores con las únicas armas que tengo: mi juego y mi amor por el fútbol.
"No quiero caer en el lugar común de decir que no se trata de una despedida sino de un hasta luego. Pero si comentarles algo que una vez me contaron que dijo un tanguero argentino muy famoso, Aníbal Troilo, y que es muy apropiada para esta hora: '¿quién dijo que me fui? Si siempre estoy volviendo…'. Un abrazo para todos. Los quiero. Kun".
Pokemon RAICHU RARE HOLO FOILAT STJÄRNKORT 12/108 70HP HP70 « shabbychicshop
Add Value to Your (Twitter) Time-line! « Thought, Insight & Feeling.
I have thus come to a personal conclusion that in our social networking especially twitter in this case, we need to ask our selves this question before we post the latest tweet: "Am I adding value to my follower's time-line?" Or "How does this tweet add value to other people's time-line?". The point of Twitter is to "save time" by providing only 140 characters to express one's thoughts. This means that it is concise & most importantly RELEVANT. But if we find ourselves not "abiding" by the 140 & "relevance" rule, we find ourselves becoming uninteresting to those that follow us. So before you tweet, be sure to ask yourself, "How much value will this tweet add to my follower's time-line?". Only then can you press send.
To ensure that we get the most out of our social networking, we may possibly need to take an inventory of our lists and ask the question, how much value do these that I follow bring to my time-line?, after which, we make the necessary adjustments!
The "value to your time-line principle is also applicable in life as a whole! In our interactions with people on a daily basis, we need to ask ourselves how much value we are bringing to those we encounter. Are we simply "add-ons" or MAIN sources of value as we come across people in our LIFE time-line.
It applies to twitter & it applies to Life. So instead of being "another person" in life & on twitter, ADD VALUE to your time-line & people will find it a joy to read your tweets, & engage with you in real life.
I must add, that as ALWAYS, the views expressed are mine, & mine alone!
Till the next one…
Add Value!
Aluta Continua Share Email Print Digg Reddit StumbleUponL’autobrozant pour tous « Leblogdeloulettte
Pour avoir un faux bronzage parfait, il convient de faire un gommage ou une exfoliation la veille. La peau, débarrassée de ses peaux mortes, absorbera mieux le produit et la teinte sera plus uniforme. On gomme bien les parties rugueuses comme les coudes, les genoux ou les talons. Elles ont tendance à absorber plus de produits et donc à marquer.
Comment bien appliquer son autobronzant?
On le choisit en accord avec notre couleur de peau. Chaque soin étant spécifiquement adapté, il est très important de ne pas mettre sur le visage un produit pour le corps.
Sur le visage, on applique l'autobrozant de l'intérieur vers l'extérieur. On peut insister un peu sur les zones les plus exposées comme les pommettes. On n'oublie pas les oreilles et le cou pour éviter « l'effet masque ».
On étale l'autobronzant de haut en bas sur le corps en massant pour que le résultat soit homogène. On commence donc par les pieds pour finir par les épaules et les bras.
Si la teinte est trop foncée à certains endroits, on peut rincer immédiatement avec une serviette humidifiée. L'astuce contre les mains orange ? On met des gants ou on lave avec vigueur immédiatement après l'application.
On attend ensuite 10 à 15 minutes avant de s'habiller pour ne pas salir nos vêtements.
Pour entretenir son hâle, on répète l'opération deux ou trois fois par semaine.
Enfin, il ne faut pas oublier que l'autobronzant ne protège pas du soleil, il colore simplement la peau. Il est donc nécessaire de le combiner avec une crème protectrice en cas d'exposition.
Neandertales de 31 mil años en el Círculo Polar Ártico « Paleorama en Red
Esta vez no se trata de restos fósiles de neandertales, sino de la tecnología lítica conocida como Musteriense, asociada a estos parientes nuestros. Se trata de 313 herramientas descubiertas en el yacimiento ruso de Byzovaya, ubicado dentro del círculo Ártico, y con una antigüedad de 28500 años C14. El hallazgo lo dan a conocer científicos franceses, rusos y noruegos, en la revista Science. Science.
Esto abogaría por la presencia neandertal en algunas regiones aisladas hasta fechas tempranas y lo que esto trae aparejado, o sea una convivencia con los sapiens que llegaban a Europa. Pero también implicaría que los últimos reductos neandertales no sólo eran zonas meridionales, como Gibraltar, sino en zonas climáticas tan duras como el círculo Ártico.
En el yacimiento se han descubierto herramientas y más de cuatro mil restos fósiles animales, como mamuts, rinocerontes lanudos, osos, lobos, y zorros. Todos con marcas de corte que atestiguan que se trataba de las presas de los dueños de las herramientas de piedra.
Se trata de una cueva ubicada en los montes Urales en el norte de Rusia, región ubicada dentro del círculo polar Ártico. Los restos descubiertos allí se han datado con carbono 14 y técnicas de estimulación óptica. Se dataron tanto los sedimentos como los restos fósiles, en 28500 años carbono 14, que calibrados dan una antigüedad de 31 a 34 mil años.
El arqueólogo Enrique Baquedano, director del Museo Arqueológico de Madrid y de las excavaciones en el yacimiento de neandertales en Pinilla del Valle (Madrid), comenta en El Mundo que, con estas investigaciones, se pone de manifiesto que la desaparición de aquellos humanos no se debió a un solo factor, como el cambio del clima, sino a factores de distinta índole "como la falta de diversidad genética, el mismo problema con el que se encuentra ahora el lince ibérico".
vía neanderthalis.
La presentazione della preview di Mango in diretta… « highlightsaber
Pesquisa desenvolvida na UFSCar aponta novas alternativas na produção de etanol « Senar Rondon 2011
Proactiv Solution 4-Pc. Micro-Crystal Acne Kit NEW ADVANCED « Best Skin Products for Acne
Read more …
Facebook Print StumbleUpon3 ting | aninececilie
Min nye billedvæg, hvis man kan sige det sådan, som jeg helt selv har sat op med boremaskine og det hele. Og altså ja, jeg elsker (stadig) Dizzy (og der er ægte autografer på plakaten…………. haha)!
Min nye læbestift fra Smashbox, der er så fin og neutral. Den kan købes for 150 kr. i Matas!
At spise hjemmelavet koldskål (er ikke fan af købe-koldskål – det er jo både billigere og meget lækrere at lave det selv!) med kammerjunkere fra Urtekram, som laver den bedste købeversion, jeg har smagt indtil videre.
Cash Convertors « Recovery Boy's Blog
"Cash converters, turning televisions in to Heroin since 1988″ Jimmy Carr tweeted this earlier.. legend! StumbleUpon Digg Reddit
New York JFK lounge surfing: KLM “The Oasis”, Air France Salon, Korean Air (April 2011) « Get Gowing!
I had a difficult time finding a ride available to get to Newark Liberty International Airport (EWR). (My plan was to get dropped off at EWR then take a bus/shuttle direct to JFK.) My mom was getting home from work soon, so she said she'll just take me all the way to JFK (though I drove the way there). Did you know that from Central Jersey, without traffic, you can get to JFK in about 45 minutes?? I thought that was a crazy good time. I was prepared for 2 hours. Unexpected good news……more time to lounge surf, the theme of this post.
Since my Korean Air flight departs from Terminal 1, AND I will have extra time to visit (for the first time) non-Delta branded airline lounge, I will be able to visit and give you a brief rundown of the two lounges in Terminal 1 (Air France & Korean Air) and KLM's "The Oasis" in Terminal 4. Luckily, that lounge is before security (landside) so I don't have to deal with any fuss of not flying out from there. I dropped off my bags and got my boarding passes.
momma said they’ll be days like this « Mcgilla’s Weblog
tomorrow is a kindergarten field trip…. and the cards are on the west coast. not a good combo. Prepare to be very dirty and very tired again tomorrow….. good news…. i'll be done tutoring at 5:30 pm. THAT'S SO EARLY!!!! who wants to party??!! after i take a quick nap. =)
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So, I was putting the last of my books away today in the last book shelf in my new room. Most of my books are in very good condition. No creases, no bent tops of pages for those who suffer from some mental illness that prevents them from using bookmarks……
My books are clean and organized by author and subject matter. I came across this sad little paperbook by Dominck Dunne. It was creased and torn. It had little bend marks at the top of the pages. I looked at is as one looks at a pet that has just peed on the carpet or a child that has played in the mud and then come in the house…..and sat on the white couch…
But it is not the book's fault. It has an illness caused "My Mother Read Me". Yes, my mother…every book she has ever owned or borrowed looks as if it has been through a shredder. When she comes to town, she will ask if she can borrow a book to read while she is here. It makes me cringe and get a tick lol…..I usually give her a hardback because they are harder to destroy. I will even remove the cover to keep it safe from drinking glass marks…….I always lend her a bookmark and she knows why….
So I set that little sick and sad book I found today aside…my OCD will not allow me to put it in my book shelf. I thought about shooting it and putting it out of its misery lol but instead I am going to save it for the next time my mother wants to borrow a book. She can read it again…..
colecionador de sucata | chá de macaco
Beliefs « A word from us
"I would never die for my beliefs because I might be wrong."
Bertrand Russell – British author, mathematician & philosopher (1872 – 1970)
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I like the models and I think they'd be fun to paint. Unfortunatly, I can't really see much in the way of good in a pure Sisters list. Outside of taking a bunch of Immolators…. the Codex appears to be very limited in terms of it's threat output.
On the other hand, I think they could add some flavor into some of my pre-existing lists. For about 185 points I can take a 10 girl squad with flamers and a Sister Superior in a Rhino with PMSB – I really like the ForgeWorld heavy bolter bits I modded for my rhinos… we can't make all our choices for efficiency right In the list below, I have just one squad, but I can see running them in twos… especially when I pair them with Marines… Basic tactic would be to use them as tac marines with rending weapons (thanks to faith) They look like complete rubbish in close combat, but I think I'll live.
For example, here's a list I put together last night when I couldn't sleep….
2K IG with Adepta Sororitas support
Command Squad w/ Autocannon – Chimera Vet Squad with Chimera and Autocannon 3 Melta Vet squads in Chmeras 2 Vendettas with a full compliment of Stormtroopers with 2x meltaguns) 2 x 2 Hydra Flak Tanks 2 Armoured Autocannon Sentinels 1 Full squad of sisters in a Rhino with Sister SuperiorIt's a little light on the shooting that I normally put into a list… but I think it would do very well vs the lists I tend to encounter at my FLGS. In truth, I have yet to not obliterate my local opponents with my stock IG list (Same as above but without the stormtroopers and sisters – add a Russ and a couple of Medusas) I'm betting I could be really annoying with the stormtroopers and sisters…
Also, realize that the intent here is not to build the best lists… For wolves and what not, I think I'm about as optimized as you're gonna get…. Unfortuantly, I'm normally not playing against that sort of list… so it seems unsporting to bring a Beat-Your-Face-In list all the time. And while I've had some fun playing the 3x whirlwind list… it's only so much fun…
Vogeltuin « Garden Blog
Het resultaat -na 2 kruiwagen vol onkruid- mag er best zijn, vind ik zelf:
De Japanse Esdoorns komen zo veel beter tot hun recht! De rode hebben we gekocht als 'geboorteboom' toen onze oudste geboren werd. De roos die er recht voor staat, is de geboorteplant van de jongste. Helaas heeft die flink te lijden gehad van een verhuizing en van het onkruid. Hopelijk trekt het weer bij. De twee geboorteplanten zijn zo geplant, zodat de oudste de jongste kan beschermen. Best een mooie gedachte dus.
De groene esdoorn hebben we gekregen van mijn schoonmoeder en zo is het net een familie-stukje in de tuin
Rondom moeten nog meer planten komen uiteraard, ik heb er nu alvast wat eenjarigen in gezet en achterin een rij stokrozen die ik opgekweekt had uit zaadjes.
Achterin ligt ook een voetpadje, vanaf het terras naar de waterval. Ik vind het zelf erg leuk om te kijken naar het water en doe dat ook best regelmatig. Om dan elke keer omzichtig door de tuin te moeten lopen, is onhandig. Vandaar het besluit om gelijk ook wat tegels te plaatsen.
En zo was ik bezig vanavond met de stokrozen planten en ben ik gewoon eens gaan zitten. Midden in de tuin, op het zand, naast de waterval. De laatste reep zonneschijn scheen op de bomen aan de andere kant van de vijver en daar ontwaarde ik een hele familie (of misschien wel twee) koolmeesjes. Volgens mij waren ze aan het uitvliegen! Ik heb zeker 20 minuten daar gezeten om gewoon te kijken naar ze.
Ondertussen zag ik uiteraard nog meer vogels. In de verte zag ik wat zwart-wits wegvliegen; een ekster. Boven mijn hoofd hoorde ik regelmatig het doffe geklap van duivenvleugels. Voor me, in de rand van de vijver, nestelt een klein vogeltje die af en toe kwam aanvliegen, wat insecten in het nest duwde en weer wegvloog. Ik ben er helaas nog niet achter welk vogeltje het is. Een winterkoninkje scheerde over mijn hoofd om in de moerbei naast me te landen en een kraai kraste hoog in de lucht terwijl hij over de tuin heen vloog. Ik heb genoten!
Arno Cost – Lise | Six Degrees of Kevin Beacon
Arno Cost – 'Lise (Original Mix)'
Goldfrapp – 'Alive (Arno Cost Remix)'
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Today’s Task « Gary Rupert's Blog
Recently, a former student, who quit band in her senior year, told me she "just wasn't feeling it." I explained that band is inanimate and the only way to get something out of it…is to put something into it. As a musician, I know that what I am looking at on the page is not music, but a representation of it. The music comes from within the performer and is manifested in her tone, her development of the melodic line and the passionate intent of her performance. The great musician continually strives to make the notes on the page come to life. The music doesn't give to you, until you give something of yourself to it.
I love the opening paragraph of Go for the Goal, by soccer superstar Mia Hamm: "My name is Mariel Margaret Hamm, but everyone calls me Mia. Many people say I'm the best women's soccer player in the world. I don't think so. And because of that, someday I just might be." She understood the direct relationship between effort and reward. All her life she played "up," meaning she challenged herself by competing with players older, bigger, more skillful, more experienced – in short, better than her. Her reward for the sacrifice…she became the best female soccer player in the world. As in music, the game of soccer doesn't give to you, until you give something of yourself to it.
Today, no every day, I encourage you to consider whether you are "feeling it." Do you move from job to job because you can't seem to find the one that suits you? Are your relationships falling apart because your partner just doesn't get it? Perhaps, you are not "feeling it" because you are looking in the wrong place. Is it possible that the missing piece here is…well, you? Remember, the notes and rhythm might be on the page, but the music lies within you! How do you want the music of your life to sound?
Have a great day!
Mr R
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یه حس عجیب!!! « دست نوشته های گاه و بیگاه ما
اگه تو بودی چقدر زندگیم فرق میکرد،با اینکه همه هستن ولی مامان جونم هنوز تصور نبود تو برام دردناکه،هنوز باورم نمیشه که دیگه نیستی،روز مادر و تو نیستی،مامان جونم روزت مبارک.
این ورودی در دوشنبه، 23 می 2011 در 2:02 ب.ظ. و تحت دستههای نوشته های همسر فرستاده شده. شما میتوانید هرگونه پاسخ به این ورودی را از راه خوراک RSS 2.0 دنبال کنید. شما میتوانید پاسخی بدهید، یا از وبگاه خود دنبالک بگذارید.Une nouvelle série d’article pour apprendre à se connaître – la Prophétie des Andes – 1 | yogashilva
La première consiste à prendre conscience que chaque événement de notre vie, quel qu'il soit, a un sens pour notre cheminement personnel, celui de nos proches, de nos collègues, de l'humanité et de l'univers. Chaque événement nous sert à prendre conscience soit du fonctionnement de l'univers – macrocosme – soit d'une partie de notre personnalité – microcosme, d'autant plus que le type d'événements est récurrent.
Par exemple, en ce qui me concerne je suis quasi systématiquement très mal à l'aise avec des jeunes filles qui me plaisent beaucoup au début, ce qui traduit ma tendance à idéaliser ces femmes et donc à me réfugier de façon confortable derrière cette icône rassurante, sans prendre le risque d'aller plus loin et donc de « casser » cette icône.
Ainsi les coïncidences n'en sont pas. Nous nous apercevons que des personnes, événements arrivent au bon moment pour nous aider à progresser et à monter en conscience par rapport à nous-même et au monde qui nous entoure, qui ne font qu'un. C'est ce que l'on appelle les synchronicités.
Ainsi, par exemple, ma panne de voiture en Bretagne de la semaine dernière m'a imposé de passer ce week end par Bordeaux pour covoiturer avec un ami dont la voiture vient justement d'être accidenté et de revoir une amie qui m'a donné une information clé et un tableau clé pour travailler sur moi et le présenter au vernissage de la semaine prochaine…
SITraN Building wins RICS Prize! « Sheffield Civic Trust's Blog
late night video chatting with Ryan « up the hill & through the woods
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trang 29 23/05/11 « Nhật Ký Hàng Ngày
chỉ cần đó là điều anh thấy vui là đủ, nhưng em tự hỏi đâu mới là điều anh muốn? Anh đang muốn điều gì?
anh không nói cho em, anh chỉ nhìn em vô định. Đâu là điều anh muốn? Và đâu là điều em tìm đây? Em đã không muốn buông tay anh ra, nhưng thậm chí cả nắm tay anh em còn làm không được. Em vô dụng, ngu ngốc và kém cỏi, ha
nếu em mạnh mẽ như người ta, bỏ qua những lời đàm tiếu thì hay quá! Đáng ra em không nên dùng lý do gì để ngụy biện cho tình cảm của mình, nhưng em vẫn sợ. Em sợ cái cảm giác như ngày xưa ấy, cái ngày cũng tình cảm chân thành của em lại bị người ta vứt đi như một cái giẻ rách, khinh bỉ, không hề nghĩ đến cảm giác của em. Anh là gì mà em phải tin chứ? Làm sao em có thể tin anh không làm thế, dù chỉ một chút thôi?
đã là không tin, không thể có tình yêu? Em cứ thắc mắc hoài những câu vẩn vơ, rồi bắt đầu sợ những điều vẩn vơ không có thực. Chuyện quá khứ là quá khứ, hiện tại là hiện tại, nó đã xảy ra đâu mà sợ? Tại sao sợ những thứ vô định chứ? Biết thì biết thế, nhưng không kìm lòng được, không dừng nỗi sợ hãi lại nổi
viết nhiều chẳng phải em khoe khoang, viết nhiều chỉ làm em vơi đi nỗi đau, em muốn viết, viết ra bãi cát dài xa tít, chẳng tìm thấy đường chân trời, cơ bản là em muốn quên anh phải không? Em có đang hối hận không vậy? Đến em còn chẳng rõ
nhưng em thích anh cười, tuy ít mà lại ấm, em không muốn quên điều ấy, chỉ muốn quên rằng em đã từng thích anh, để bớt sợ, bớt yếu mềm, bớt thê thảm
ngày mai khi thấy anh, sẽ là ngày cuối được thấy anh, sẽ là ngày em khép lòng mình lại, chấm dứt tất cả.
Directly from Finland. The voice of To / Die / For: JAPE VON CROW! (via Zephyr) « Heavy Metal Thunder
We started with a very special guest directly from Finland. The voice of To / Die / For: JAPE VON CROW! ZEPHYR: Hi Jape!! It's a pleasure to interview you. ^_^ Give a brief history of To/Die/For and where you are from. JAPE: >HELLO! TO/DIE/FOR IS FINNISH MELANCHOLY ROCK BAND. SOMEONES SAYS WE ARE GOTHIC ROCK BUT….WHATEVER. OUR HISTORY IS QUITE LONG … Read More
via Zephyr
~ by Heavy Metal Thunder on May 22, 2011. Posted in UncategorizedBiadab, pasukan boneka Pakistan merampok kemudian membunuh secara brutal warga Chechnya di Quetta « fkim uika bogor
Awalnya pihak berwenang Pakistan menyatakan korban tewas (warga Chechnya) terkait dengan Al Qaeda.
Namun, kemudian muncul kisah bahwa mereka tidak bersenjata dan bahwa salah satu di antara korban adalah wanita hamil.
Kelompok hak asasi manusia pekerja mengatakan pasukan keamanan di Pakistan "jarang" melakukan pembunuhan di luar hukum.
Pembunuhan-di sebuah pos pemeriksaan di pinggiran Quetta-tertangkap dua kamera. Dua wanita yang terluka terlihat terbaring di tanah dan saling berpegangan satu sama lain. Mereka mungkin mencoba menghibut satu sama lain. Seorang wanita mengangkat tangannya, nampaknya seperti isyarat menyerah atau permohonan bantuan.
Namun respon dari aparat keamanan adalah hujan peluru. Tidak ada yang selamat. Awalnya pihak berwenang menyatakan wanita dan sahabat mereka adalah kumpulan pembom martir, siap untuk melakukan serangan. Sejak saat itu kisah terus berubah beberapa kali.
Kepala kepolisian setempat mengatakan lima orang tewas ketika granat meledak dari tangan mereka sendiri. Namun ahli penjinak bom mengatakan tidak ada granat atau rompi martir yang ditemukan pada tubuh jenazah.
Dan otopsi telah mengungkapkan bahwa salah satu wanita yang meninggal, ditembak sedikitnya 12 kali, ia tengah hamil tua.
Penyelidikan atas insiden ini harus sampai pada kesimpulan dalam waktu 10 hari.
Sebuah surat kabar Pakistan, Tribune, melaporkan :
"Teroris" Chechnya sedang hamil tua ketika ditembak mati . Laporan otopsi seorang wanita yang berada di antara lima tersangka tewas di Quetta pada Selasa (17/5/2011) mengungkapkan bahwa ia sedang hamil tua pada saat ditembak mati.
Koresponden Express 24/7, Shehzad Baloch melaporkan bahwa otopsi yang dilakukan di Kompleks Medis Bolan di Quetta mengungkapkan seorang wanita yang belum diidentifikasi oleh otoritas Pakistan, ditembak 12 kali hingga tewas.
Laporan juga mengungkapkan bahwa ia hamil tujuh bulan. Tidak ada cedera yang berhubungan dengan bom telah ditemukan di tubuhnya. Otopsi terhadap empat korban lainnya tengah berjalan.
Surat kabar Pakistan lainnya, The Nation, melaporkan mengenai reaksi penduduk lokal pada kejahatan mengerikan dari rezim boneka Islamabad.
Para penduduk Kili Khezai, di mana lima orang Chechnya, tiga diantaranya perempuan, dibunuh oleh tembakan polisi perbatasan Pakistan, menuntut agar penyelidikan tidak berpihak atas insiden tersebut.
Mereka menyatakan bahwa orang-orang Chechnya itu tidak bersenjata, menuduh polisi dan personil FC korps (polisi perbatasan) menambahkan bahwa insiden itu ditujukan untuk menciptakan pembenaran untuk melakukan serangan udara di Balochistan.
Penduduk setempat melakukan aksi unjuk rasa di depan Quetta Press Club untuk memprotes pembunuhan Muslim Chechnya. Para pengunjuk rasa membawa plakat dan meneriakkan slogan-slogan melawan polisi dan lembaga penegak hukum.
Para penduduk Kili Khezai termasuk Haji Fateh Khan dan Maulvi Abdul Wahid mengutuk pembunuhan warga Chechnya dan menyebutnya sebagai sebuah tragedi besar.
Mereka menuduh polisi dan penegak hukum tengah mementasakan sebuah drama dengan menggambarkan warga Chechnya bersalah sebagai pembom martir.
Masyarakat setempat mengatakan bahwa kelima korban ditawarkan sholat di masjid Killi Khezai dan meminta penduduk setempat untuk membimbing mereka ketika tiba-tiba mereka menemukan diri mereka dikellingi oleh polisi dan personel Korps Perbatasan. (haninmazaya/arrahmah.com) FacebookAP Top Stories « World News on Video
AP Top Stories
Here's the latest news for May 22nd: Yemen's president may be near deal to step down; Obama says Israel faces growing isolation; Kansas tornado kills 1; Indiana Gov. Mitch Daniels not running for GOP presidential nomination.
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Chapter 04 – 16.5 Hrs – Bulkheads | TARMAC GRAZER
Si eres estudiante del IES Vega de San Mateo « IES VEGA DE SAN MATEO
Hora de despertar
[Aula 20/05] Tópicos avançados em programação I « Prof. Me. Kleber Padovani
DONT TOUCH RIDDIM – MORRIS CODE PROD – Reggae Downloads « 121reggae
Shawn Storm-Don't Touch-Don't Touch Riddim-Morris Code Pro
Sikka Rymes-Love Sikka-Don't Touch Riddim-Morris Code Pro
X-FACTA-Tek It-Don't Touch Riddim-Morris Code Pro
Source: http://vybzentertainment.com/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2074&Itemid=96
dancehall reggae
Sunday iDOLM@STER 2 Watching: Week 6 DELAYED « justice to believe
Sunday’s Song « Siobhan's Blog
Some history: Siobhan Fahey from the band is who I was named after.
It is an immensely, old song that I grew up with and still remains beautiful until today for me. So here are the lyrics:
Stay – Shakespears Sister
If this world is wearing thin
and you're thinking of escape,
I'll go anywhere with you,
Just wrap me up in chains.
But if you try to go alone,
Don't think i'll understand.
Stay with me.
Stay with me.
In the silence of your room,
In the darkness of your dreams,
You must only think of me,
There can be no in-between.
When your pride is on the floor,
I'll make you beg for more.
Stay with me.
Stay with me.
You'd better hope and pray
That you make it safe
Back to your own world.
You'd better hope and pray
That you wake one day
In your own world.
Coz when you sleep at night
They don't hear your cries
In your own world.
Only time will tell
If you can break the spell
Back in your own world.
Stay with me.
(Repeats until the end). Email Print Share
Burmese Nationals Arrested for Selling NLD ‘Membership’ « Alliance of Arakan Refugees
Blog at WordPress.com.
learning guitars Guitar Lesson – Piano Man for Guitar – Billy Joel | onlineentertainer
Millions of Kina for agriculture projects abused « PNGexposed Blog
National Planning and Rural development Minister Paul Tiensten has came under-fire from Opposition MPs over the use of the hundred million kina budgeted annually to fund agricultural projects in the rural areas. The government since 2009, appropriated hundred million kina a year under the National Agricultural Development Program to fund agricultural projects in the districts but very little results have been achieved to date. There were concerns of misappropriation of these funds since 2009, yet the government allowed the program to continue.
Finschaffen MP, Theo Zurenuoc in Parliament questioned why his electorate had missed out on these funds. Minister Tienstan in response admitted that were questions raised on the use of the funds but failed to say what actions were taken to deal with those responsible in the misappropriation. The Minister was evasive with his answers passing the buck to the Agriculture department which angered Abau MP, Sir Puka Temu.
Se aproxima la finalización del segundo periodo lectivo y la semana de exámenes acumulativos de final de periodo « mi profesor de tecnología
La ultima semana de cada periodo se realizan exámenes de final de periodo acumulativos
Saturday morning workout AND Doctor visit « Fight2GetRight: Fat Girl Habits, Skinny Girl Flow
Hope everyone is alive and well! With all that talk of the world ending, blah, blah, blah had to make sure my readers are fine!!
Anywho, I woke up this morning feeling good! I went out for some catch-up drinks with a good friend of mine last night. When I woke up this morning, I didnt feel groggy–perhaps I slept in a LITTLE late this morning! 9am is "late" for me. But as soon as I woke up I got dressed and went to the gym! Oh boy, oh boy!! Did I have an AWESOME workout! I felt FABULOUS when I left the gym and the fabulous feeling is still lingering as I am typing to you now!
My Saturday morning workout went as follows–
3 sets of 12 leg lifts on this piece of equipment
I placed each foot on the black part of the equipment, let my arms rest on the red cushion and I held on to the raised black bars. I simply rested my back on the blue ball, lifted both my legs(straight, not bent) the highest that they can come up and lowered them back down. An intense exercise at first but with time I will conquer this with no problems!! F2GR!!
Next exercise is for my lower back(targets my back fat that I HATE!!)
So with this machine, I just had a seat with the front of my body facing the machine. I placed the weights on 60lbs. All you do is stand to pull the bar down, once the bar is pulled down and you are back to your seated position, you lean your head forward a tad bit–if not you will hit yourself with the bar! In two motions, you pull the bar down(with head tilted) and release(while still holding the bar)., basically you are going up and down with the bar. I completed 3 sets of 12.
See the target area that this machine works out! LOVE IT!! BACK FAT BE GONE! Woop!! F2GR!!!
The next area that I worked on was chest. I chose to work on this machine…
With this machine, I sat down with my back against the red cushion. I set the weights at 40lbs. I placed the lower section of my arms on the red cushion and placed my hands on the black bars that you can slightly see, which are sticking out. Once everything was in place, I pulled both arms together until the yellow bars of the machine touched. This is a bit challenging,as I do not work on my chest often but Im trying to build muscle tissue there–I cant say this enough, but Im hoping to increase bust shrinkage!! LOL! I completed 3 sets of 12.
See the muscles it targets! You think if I keep doing this, I can drop down TWO bust sizes!!!???!! LOL! Wishful thinking but GEESH! At least ONE! LOL!
Moving right along! After this exercise, I went over to my ab crunch machine.
On this machine the seat moves from the left, right and center. First, I started off in the center with my feet behind the red cushion at the bottom, my hands are holding the black bars and I am pulling my body in to workout that abdominal muscle. I do 3 sets of 12 ; however, on the 12th crunch, I hold it for 10 seconds before releasing. Something that my trainer taught me:-). The next set(3 sets 0f 12) is for my left oblique, same deal as the first set and the final set is for my right oblique. Whew! Talk about feeling it!
The next four excerises that I did were on the mat. It's hard to take pictures to show but hopefully in the future I can have someone take pictures of me while I am doing the exercises. But for the end of my workout, I worked on my lower back. I took a 50lbs weight bar. I started with my feet together , I reached down to pick up the weight bar, I only come half way up, then I go back down to the ground. I do not put the weight bar down until I have completed the set(3 set of 12). Throughout the exercise, my arms are straight and I am going coming halfway up before going back down. Another excerise taught to me by my trainer!:-)
For the next exercises, I worked on my arms(dumbbell curls; 3 sets of 20), shoulders(a combination exercise with 10lbs dumbbells) more abs but on the mat and an exercise that my trainer called a "roll out" For the roll out, I am on the mat, on all fours; with the weight bar(30 lbs) I literally roll the weight bar out as far as I can go–this works my core(abs) and roll the weight bar back in; I end back on all fours. Once I am on all fours again, I lift the bar up over my head(working my back), bring the weight bar back down and ROLL OUT ALL OVER AGAIN. I repeat this exercise until I complete 12. As always, I complete 3 sets of 12. This exercise is a killer. I was proud of myself because a woman at the gym, who was next to me said that my form for this exercise was good. I was happy, because I always feel like I look silly. This exercise is very challenging for me! Mind you,this woman was intense with her workout, she looked like she could be a trainer,so I took the compliment that she gave me and smiled!!
After the gym, I had to go to the Doctor for a check up for my knee!!
Well, the good news is that there is NO fluid in my knee!! So I can go back to running and working out my lower body. HOWEVER, I have a condition called Pre-Patellar Tendonitis. So now I have to see an orthopedic doctor. I will keep everyone posted on how my visit to the orthopedic doctor goes. I had to buy a knee brace for when I run and workout. I bought the brace ASAP! When I come back from out of town, Im going running first thing! YAaaayy!!
Stay healthy! Stay active and FIGHT2GETRIGHT!!!
[بضائع SS501] أغلفة هواتف من تصميم يونغ سينغ بنفسـة !!! « Green Pea's Princess
Reposted from: ss501ode.blogspot.com
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