I like the models and I think they'd be fun to paint. Unfortunatly, I can't really see much in the way of good in a pure Sisters list. Outside of taking a bunch of Immolators…. the Codex appears to be very limited in terms of it's threat output.
On the other hand, I think they could add some flavor into some of my pre-existing lists. For about 185 points I can take a 10 girl squad with flamers and a Sister Superior in a Rhino with PMSB – I really like the ForgeWorld heavy bolter bits I modded for my rhinos… we can't make all our choices for efficiency right In the list below, I have just one squad, but I can see running them in twos… especially when I pair them with Marines… Basic tactic would be to use them as tac marines with rending weapons (thanks to faith) They look like complete rubbish in close combat, but I think I'll live.
For example, here's a list I put together last night when I couldn't sleep….
2K IG with Adepta Sororitas support
Command Squad w/ Autocannon – Chimera Vet Squad with Chimera and Autocannon 3 Melta Vet squads in Chmeras 2 Vendettas with a full compliment of Stormtroopers with 2x meltaguns) 2 x 2 Hydra Flak Tanks 2 Armoured Autocannon Sentinels 1 Full squad of sisters in a Rhino with Sister SuperiorIt's a little light on the shooting that I normally put into a list… but I think it would do very well vs the lists I tend to encounter at my FLGS. In truth, I have yet to not obliterate my local opponents with my stock IG list (Same as above but without the stormtroopers and sisters – add a Russ and a couple of Medusas) I'm betting I could be really annoying with the stormtroopers and sisters…
Also, realize that the intent here is not to build the best lists… For wolves and what not, I think I'm about as optimized as you're gonna get…. Unfortuantly, I'm normally not playing against that sort of list… so it seems unsporting to bring a Beat-Your-Face-In list all the time. And while I've had some fun playing the 3x whirlwind list… it's only so much fun…