
Add Value to Your (Twitter) Time-line! « Thought, Insight & Feeling.

I had a thought the other day while going through my twitter time-line. The thought was basically: "did this person REALLY tweet that?" Or simply : "did that have to go on to the twitter time-line?" (Basically twitter).

I have thus come to a personal conclusion that in our social networking especially twitter in this case, we need to ask our selves this question before we post the latest tweet: "Am I adding value to my follower's time-line?" Or "How does this tweet add value to other people's time-line?". The point of Twitter is to "save time" by providing only 140 characters to express one's thoughts. This means that it is concise & most importantly RELEVANT. But if we find ourselves not "abiding" by the 140 & "relevance" rule, we find ourselves becoming uninteresting to those that follow us. So before you tweet, be sure to ask yourself, "How much value will this tweet add to my follower's time-line?". Only then can you press send.

To ensure that we get the most out of our social networking, we may possibly need to take an inventory of our lists and ask the question, how much value do these that I follow bring to my time-line?, after which, we make the necessary adjustments!

The "value to your time-line principle is also applicable in life as a whole! In our interactions with people on a daily basis, we need to ask ourselves how much value we are bringing to those we encounter. Are we simply "add-ons" or MAIN sources of value as we come across people in our LIFE time-line.

It applies to twitter & it applies to Life. So instead of being "another person" in life & on twitter, ADD VALUE to your time-line & people will find it a joy to read your tweets, & engage with you in real life.

I must add, that as ALWAYS, the views expressed are mine, & mine alone!

Till the next one…

Add Value!

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