
Back on Track? « Ignore the Buckles on My Jacket

Holy Crap!

This has been an insane year and it has thrown me for a loop.  

Writing has only been a thought.  My scripts have been put on hold…until today. 

I went for a short 3-mile run today to get my mind back on track and it really helped straighten everything out inside my coconut shell.   In twenty-seven minutes of running, I put my sixth script together for this series.

I'll hopefully get it pounded out by the end of next weekend and will put this one to rest.   I'll re-read the group and then figure out what to do next…since I am clueless.

I'm not really sure where to start, but I am thinking of finding a local production company to at least take a look at it.   Maybe nothing will come of it, but hopefully it'll get someone on this earth knowing this 40-yer old brain has a little bit of  "funny" trapped inside.

I am working out my next series in my brain.  Six is enough for this one…I don't want to get too attached to it so it isn't so hard to let it go.  I'll just put them in a binder.

It is amazing what "running" does for me.

It is a chance for me to get away from everything.   Since I work all day near a computer…and have my work computer home with me at night…work is always there.  I need to find a way to pack it away and work only on "funny."

Allowing my old habits to change was not a good idea…and it showed.

Getting on the scale tonight only showed that I gained five pounds since I stopped doing ANY running, but I think I lost a lot more.

Time to get back on track.

