

1. Сопровождение процесса подготовки федеральными органами власти (Росавиация, Минтранс, Росимущество).
Всю неделю тревожили коллег и Росавиации на тему направления ими в Минтранс проекта распоряжения Правительства Российской Федерации «О передаче ФГУП «ПАЛ» в собственность Пермского края».  Итог: на следующей неделе должен поступить в Минтранс,  05.05.2011 выезжаю в Москву для личного участия в процессе.

2. Оформление права собственности ФГУП «ПАЛ» на объекты недвижимости и земельный участок, находящиеся в  пользовании ФГУПа.
Сдано в Росреестр для регистрации прав:
- права собственности РФ  15 (+7);
- права хозяйственного ведения 16 (+7).
К 15.05.2011 работу по сдаче документов должны завершить.

Итоги работ по разделению земельного участка.  Идет сбор рабочих материалов и сведений по точкам опорно-межевой сети, проводятся подготовительные работы (привязка к пунктам опорно-межевой сети), сбор документов из землеустроительного дела в Управлении Росреестра, согласовано с ТУ Росимущества проведение земельно-кадастровых работ по формированию земельных участков путем раздела федерального участка в интересах третьих лиц.

Filed under: Проект «Шаг к цели»

Random Randomness… « Junglewife

Okay, so I haven't had much time to write any kind of posts here lately, but I thought I would at least give you a little glimpse into what we've been up to lately, in no particular order.

- We had a great Easter. Here in Papua Dan got Good Friday off, and also the Monday after Easter, so it was a 4-day weekend!  Here they not only celebrate on the day of a particular holiday, they also usually celebrate the day after as wel, so we celebrate "2nd Easter", "2nd Christmas", etc… makes for a lot of days off!      We had a friend in town – a teacher who used to live here in Wamena but now lives in Sentani. She hung out at our place pretty much the whole weekend which was fun.  It was a very relaxing weekend!

- The other day I was swinging Claire outside, twisting her up in the swing and then letting her spin, and after doing this several times she started singing, "You spin me right 'round, baby, right 'round…" :-)   I think she has been watching Alvin and the Chipmunks movie a few too many times..

- This weekend was a small ladies' retreat organized by our ladies' Bible Study group here in Wamena. It was held at one of the ladies' houses (we'd have it at a hotel if we could but there are only a handful of hotels here in Wamena and none of them are anything you'd ever want to spend the night at!), started Friday afternoon and ends today after lunch.  I am a big fan of sleeping in my own bed and not staying up all night, so I went just for the day yesterday. Dan watched the kids all day and I had a very nice relaxing time with the other Wamena expat ladies!

- We got a computer game from a friend recently called Plants Vs. Zombies. Natalie and I have been playing it a bit these last few days and the other day she was watching me play.  She said, "Is there a huge wave of zombies coming?" and then broke out into song, in the tune of a popular worship song, "Waves of zombies, waves of grace…" :-)

- I did NOT watch the Royal Wedding on Friday… actually I wanted to but then we were busy doing something else, so I didn't end up watching. I watched a bit of the pre-wedding stuff, though, and Natalie wanted to know what I was watching. I explained to her a bit of the prince and princess stuff, and she was pretty impressed that there are actually real-life princesses!  I am amazed at how many people woke up in the middle of the night to watch it in the States, since it was on at about 6 pm here and I didn't even watch it!

- Tomorrow is my birthday. There isn't really anywhere to go out to eat here, so I am going to have Dan grill some German sausages for dinner (made in Bali by a German guy and bought from a friend here in Papua who sells them as a fundraiser for her ministry here.) Too bad I don't have any sauerkraut (Jennifer B, if you're reading this, I sure wish I had some of your homemade sauerkraut right about now!)   I am also going to make my own birthday dessert – this cake here is very similar to a chocolate mousse cake my mom bought for me for several birthdays from a Swiss bakery in Ecuador. Yum! (Of course now that I look at the recipe I see that it is best made the day before… I guess maybe I better start it this afternoon then!)

- There was something else that Claire said in the last couple of weeks that was really funny, but of course now that I'm posting I can't remember it now, and I am sure I will remember as soon as I hit "publish" on this post! Oh well, when I remember I'll post it :-)

Foto’s for Fun « misstavajoi

Anna Paquin en la cena realizada en la Casa Blanca « Anna Paquin en Español

Bienvenidos al sitio en Español, para encontrar informacion de la actriz Anna Paquin, mejor conocida por su papel de Sookie Stackhouse en la serie de la HBO, True Blood.

Big Bang adakan ‘jabat tangan’ dengan 1000 fans sebelum ke Jepang « Asianfansclub

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Obama, Sarkozy and Cameron are WAR CRIMINALS: Nato strike ‘kills Saif al-Arab Gaddafi’, Libya says « Lal Qila

Colonel Gaddafi himself was in the large residential villa which was hit by the strike, the spokesman added, but was unharmed.

His son Saif al-Arab was said to be killed, as well as three grandsons.

Journalists say the building was extensively damaged and one unexploded bomb remains at the site.

Saif al-Arab, who had a lower profile than his brother Saif al-Islam, had been studying in Germany and returned to Libya recently.

Government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said the villa in which he was killed was attacked "with full power."

"The attack resulted in the martyrdom of brother Saif al-Arab Muammar Gaddafi, 29 years old, and three of the leader's grandchildren," he said.

"The leader with his wife was there in the house with other friends and relatives, the leader himself is in good health, he wasn't harmed." Col Gaddafi's wife was also unharmed, he said.

"This was a direct operation to assassinate the leader of this country," the spokesman added.

'Law of the jungle'

At the scene Christian FraserBBC News, Tripoli

Can he get rid of haraam wealth by giving it to someone who wants to get married? | Future Islam → The Future For Islam

I had a haram income in the past. I asked you what I shall do with this money, as I wanted to give it as sadaqah to one of my relatives. You answered me by saying that it is fine to use this money as I did not know that it is haram when I earned it, or to give some or all of it as sadaqah.
I am intending to give this money as sadaqah to one of my relatives as he is about to get married, is this permissible or not? He asked me to lend him some money but -unfortunately- he does not have enough to return it to me.

Praise be to Allaah.

In the answer to your first question (no. 96614) we stated that whatever of this money is still in your possession should be spent on charitable causes, and you should not make use of it. In that question we referred to another question, which says that is it permissible for the penitent to make use of some of the haram money if he is in need. See question no. 78289.

Undoubtedly one of the ways of doing good is helping the one who wants to get married so that he can remain chaste. Based on this, there is nothing wrong with giving this money or some of it to your relative who is going to get married.

This is not regarded as charity or zakaah on your part, rather it is ridding yourself of haraam wealth. As for charity and zakaah, they can only be given from halaal wealth, because Allaah is Good and does not accept anything but that which is good.

We ask Allaah to help you and guide you.

And Allaah knows best.

Islam Q&A

Chicisimo~ « msdahir

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我就不信 « 用力过生活




$25,000 Muslim Weddings « The Little Things

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Bom, eu vou contar uma historinha aqui e … « Eu Briso

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Oisín’s Lament « Supervenous

Apparently it's National Poetry Month. …For the next 6 hours. And as Steve Guttenberg says, "No risk, no reward." Blame the following on a diet of too much Yeats and Tolkien. Also, shut up.

Days of sorrow I have known
And nights of melancholy too,
The fire within me flown
To shores immortal, hewn
From stone at all's beginning,
'Fore aught took breath or wing,
Or drank from flowing burn.

There below the stars I lay
And watched the mighty Herne
Fleetly fly along the moonlit way,
And all the while played upon
A horn of brass and bone
A song of sadness drawn
From countless days alone.

Here the music of the hartling swells
'Cross darkling dale and heathered hill;
Head tossing, branches felled
By season's turn; promise unfullfilled.
By Tara's starry mirrormeres they sing
Of Éthur's death: The last unearthly king
On bloodsoaked plain by Éber smote.

Here the champing Embarr runs,
Soft of mane and bright of coat,
Spied by mortals never under sun.
Fair maid upon his back agleam,
Made of gold, beauty without reprieve:
Immortal seed of the inconstant sea,
Clear and sweet, my belovéd Niamh.

She took me by the trembling hand
And laid to rest all fear;
We wandered through the Other Land,
Innocent of doom so near.
We slept atop a windswept heath
With glistening grass beneath
And infinite stars above, brightly cold.

One day I heard my clan a-calling:
My brothers, they who'd tholed
A thousand years, all now falling.
Her horse she lent me without thought
And warning gave with all her heart:
That touch the earth must I not,
Lest forever we be torn apart.

Over hardwood hills we coursed,
Far beyond the reach of day,
Whereupon we found sea's source,
The deathless tide attacking stony bay.
Swift and tireless, the gloaming steed
Bore me to my brother's need,
While I boldly drew my godly sword.

There on bitter bloody sand I lost
The golden maid by all adored;
A true ill-fated love the cost
Of earthly things I still held dear.
To me they came with spear and sword;
My faithful mount unfaithful reared–
And thus was cut immortal chord.

Steel and foes and brothers vanished,
Whispering clouds before a gale,
Leaving me alone and banishéd,
The keening gulls' echoing wail;
Cursed to wander far and out of time,
Earth-weary, afoot, caked with mortal grime.
My roving led to Emain Macha,

Where once the Ulaid proudly bode,
Where at the hands of mac Mágach
Conor met his end, relieved of earthly load.
Nature has again seized field and ford,
The trees taken back their rightful place,
Wild hornéd Herne their rightful lord,
And all throughout the flighty fauna race.

Still my mind will walk at times
With Niamh beside the frosty tarn
And watch the shoals beneath the rime;
Or ride solemn by the Dagda's cairn
To Silverhand Nuada's firelit hall,
Where no dark strays beyond the wall,
Day and night mingling in effulgent sheen.

Long then were the years ere Finn,
Yet longer now they seem,
Sundered from belovéd kin,
Far beyond the golden eyes aglow
Of fair folk lost, and ghostly maiden's gleam;
Of worlds and paths none can know,
Naught now but an old man's bitter dream. Share this: Email Digg Facebook StumbleUpon


Just got the new 100 Voices Rand biography at the going-out-of-business Borders at Chestnut + Broad for $7.78, score. This entry was posted on April 30, 2011 at 9:44 pm and is filed under Uncategorized. You can follow any responses to this entry through the RSS 2.0 feed. You can leave a response, or trackback from your own site.

Salada Vermelha 02 « Receitas | Peeters Place

Ingredientes: 1 molho de aipo picado 2 beterrabas picadas cozidas com açúcar 4 nozes picadas 2 maçãs verdes picadas 1/2 copo de laranja 1 leve fio de azeite de oliva

Modo de Preparar:

Coloque todos os ingredientes na saladeira e regue levemente com azeite e oliva. Acerte o sal. Use para acompanhar carnes brancas. 

Fonte: http://www.terra.com.br

The Chan’s or Frenchy’s? « TheBrownleeBlog

The importance of Genesis, part 2 « A Dad's Journey Through The Bible

We're looking at the importance of Genesis – how major doctrines in the Bible depend on Genesis's creation account and the first people being literally true. See part 1 if you haven't read it yet.

References to Abel, Adam's son

Matthew 23:

[35] That upon you may come all the righteous blood shed upon the earth, from the blood of righteous Abel unto the blood of Zacharias son of Barachias, whom ye slew between the temple and the altar. – [Mat 23:35 KJV]

Hebrews 11:

[4] By faith Abel offered unto God a more excellent sacrifice than Cain, by which he obtained witness that he was righteous, God testifying of his gifts: and by it he being dead yet speaketh. – [Hbr 11:4 KJV]

Heb 12 Jesus and Abel:

[24] And to Jesus the mediator of the new covenant, and to the blood of sprinkling, that speaketh better things than [that of] Abel. – [Hbr 12:24 KJV]

References to Enoch

Hebrews 11:

[5] By faith Enoch was translated that he should not see death; and was not found, because God had translated him: for before his translation he had this testimony, that he pleased God. – [Hbr 11:5 KJV]

Jude mentions Adam and Enoch:

[14] And Enoch also, the seventh from Adam, prophesied of these, saying, Behold, the Lord cometh with ten thousands of his saints, – [Jud 1:14 KJV]

The importance of Adam and Eve's sin

Without the first couple sinning, separating all of humanity from God, there was no need for Jesus Christ, God incarnate, to die on the cross to shed His righteous blood as an atonement for all. Jesus becomes reduced to a prophet or teacher, as non-Christians see Him.

Coming up next: Genesis and Marriage Share this: Email Print Share Facebook

Balade en vélo | Training for Boston's Blog

Je suis allé faire une petite balade de vélo aujourd'hui dans le Parc de la Gatineau et le long de la rivière des Outaouais. Une balade de 63 km. J'ai pris quelques photos que je partage avec vous. Le parc n'est pas encore ouvert à la circulation et c'est tellement agréable. La Montée Fortune est complètement fermée par contre car il y a encore de la neige.

D'abord cette femme, mon idole de la journée. Dans la poussette, il y a deux enfants et elle monte les côtes. Je lui ai dit qu'elle était mon idole de la journée. Elle a bien ri.

La montée vers le lac Pink, d'une longueur d'environ 3 km à 8%. Une de mes côtes préférées pour les entraînements en côte.

Au retour, je peux voir que la saison de vélo est débutée avec tous ces pelotons. Il y a deux pelotons, mais on ne les voit pas très bien.

Mais qu'est-ce qui a bien pu faire cela ?

Si Vinvin20 voit des ours, nous avons des castors.

Mais celui-ci, ce n'est pas un castor qui a fait ça, mais les rafales de vents des derniers jours. Photo prise dans le Parc Moussette.

Avec tout ça, je devrais avoir de bonnes jambes pour ma sortie de 2h35 en course à pied demain matin.

islamic exam | abdulelah8

i have islamic exam tomorrow at 7;30 pm , i am studuying now for it and i hope i do well in the exam

Summer must-haves: Save vs splurge « rosiebrants

When it comes to summer, everyone needs to treat themselves to a little something special.

Remember those cold, dark winter mornings where it could've easily been 2am, well it wasn't, it was 7am and you were dragging yourself to work. You didn't care what outfit you had concocted, because; A- it was too dark for anyone to judge you and B- that's why you buy a winter coat to hide it all isn't it?

But now, classic English weather has sprinkled some sun on our shoulders and we need to put away the scarves, hide the copious amounts of makeup and bury the double duvets. Summer is coming!

It has been recorded that this spring brought us the hottest weather in over 62 years! Easter Sunday hit the 25C mark – the last time the mercury saw those numbers was in 1949.

Don't tell me you've not been hiding your barnet under a woolly hat, or scraping it into a ponytail – because let's face it, the unpredictable weather would only make you look like Amy Winehouse after it's finished with you. You never painted your nails because you didn't see the point – gloves hide them anyway.

Well, now, it's time to stop thinking dark and cold, it's time to look out your window and take in the bright colours and lovely blue skies. You need to reconnect with this summer's must-haves.

How do you afford it?

I know we are in the depressingly notorious "recession" but good news, consumer inflation has risen by a humongous 0.5% (big cheer). I know, it doesn't mean much to me either. All I know is, you deserve a treat and it doesn't mean breaking the bank. If you want to increase your overdraft to do so, I salute you. If you don't need to increase your overdraft, I want to be you.

So save or splurge? Decide whether you need to pinch those pennies or splash out on this years summer beauty essentials.

Ziarist american: Grupul Bilderberg doreşte invadarea terestră a Libiei « pongogonzo

Grupul Bilderberg doreste ca Statele Unite sa lanseze o ofensiva terestra in Libia, sustine ziaristul James P. Tucker Jr., de la American Free Press, care monitorizeaza de multi ani organizatia secreta. Jurnalistul afirma, de asemenea, ca cei din Bilderberg vor sa mareasca la 7 dolari pretul unui galon de benzina in Statele Unite. Tucker anunta in martie ca intalnirea din acest an a grupului va avea loc intre 9 si 12 iunie in statiunea St. Moritz, aflata in sud-estul Elvetiei, nu departe de Davos. Tucker a afirmat ca Henry Kissinger, fost secretar de stat in Administratia de la Washington, a spus recent ca razboiul din Libia trebuie extins si in anul urmator, pentru a destabiliza Orientul Mijlociu si a forta Statele Unite sa atace Iranul. Fostul sef al diplomatiei americane ar fi facut aceste afirmatii in timpul intalnirii Comisiei Trilaterale, institutia-sora a Grupului Bilderberg, desfasurata recent la Elliot School of International Affairs din cadrul George Washington University. Kissinger a reluat aceleasi declaratii in timpul unei reuniunii a Aspen Institute si apoi in cadrul conferintei Bretton Woods II, tinuta in New Hampshire.
In toate cele trei discursuri, Kissinger ar fi afirmat ca Statele Unite trebuie sa lanseze ofensiva terestra in Libia, sustinand ca "America trebuie sa sustina mereu democratia si drepurile omului din punct de vedere politic, economic si diplomatic, la fel cum am sprijinit libertatea pentru natiunile captive in timpul Razboioului Rece". Fostul secretar de stat a recunoscut ca, desi America nu ar avea "interese vitale in joc" in Libia, "o interventie militara limitata doar la motive umanitare poate fi justificata". Kissinger a numit aceasta pozitie "realism pragmatic".
Potrivit lui Tucker, fostul diplomat american a afirmat ca actiunile fortelor lui Muammar Gaddafi, "ar putea tenta regimul iranian sa accelereze dezvoltarea armei nucleare. Statele agresive trebuie sa ramana convinse de determinarea noastra de a impiedica proliferarea nucleara".
"Asadar, in opinia lui Kissinger, invadarea Libiei previne Iranul sa dezvolte arme atomice care ar ameninta Israelul", afirma Tucker.
Pe de alta parte, intr-un interviu cu Alex Jones pentru Infowars.com, Tucker a afirmat ca "pana la sfarsitul lui 2012, Bilderbergii si elita mondiala vor ca noi sa platim 7 dolari pentru un galon de benzina… Ceea ce ei vor sa faca este sa aduca standardul de viata al americanilor la nivelul celui din Lumea a Treia. Ei vor ca intreaga lume sa aiba acelasi standard de viata".
Infowars.com afirma ca in 2007, Jose Manuel Barroso, presedinte al Comsiei Europene si membru al grupului Bilderberg, a facut apel la o "revolutie postindustriala", sub pretextul eliminarii gazelor cu efect de sera. Site-ul cunoscut pentru teoriile conspirationiste pe care le promoveaza sustine ca summitul din 2009 din Copenhaga, dedicat climei, "a fost un efort de a impune un standard de viata mai scazut locuitorilor din Statele Unite si celei mai mari parti din Occident".
Infowars.com precizeaza ca, in 2005, Tucker si Daniel Estulin, un alt ziarist specializat in Grupul Bilderberg, au citat surse participante la discutiile organizatiei care afirmau ca pretul petrolului se va dubla in decurs de un an. In 2006, la intalnirea Bilderberg din Ottawa (Canada), elita a decis sa creasca pretul petrolului la 105 dolari/baril pana la sfarsitul anului 2008.
Bilderberg Group este o organizatie ce include lideri politici, oameni de afaceri, academicieni si ziaristi, care se intruneste anual incepand din 1954. Organizatia sustine o agenda globalista si afirma ca notiunea de suveranitate nationala este depasita.
Printre participantii la reuniunile trecute ale grupului s-au numarat Hillary Clinton, Bill Clinton, Donald Rumsfeld, Henry Kissinger, regele Juan Carlos al Spaniei, Regina Beatrix a Olandei si Tony Blair, reprezentanti ai Consiliilor de Administratie de la IBM, Xerox, Royal Dutch Shell, Nokia si Daimler.
Grupul Bilderberg poarta numele unui hotel din Olanda unde membrii fondatori – printul Bernhard al Olandei, Joseph Retinger, David Rockefeller si Denis Healey – s-au intalnit prima data in 1954. Participantii la intalnirile grupului sunt protejati de serviciile secrete ale principalelor state reprezentate, in frunte cu CIA.
(www.hotnews.ro) Share this:

Spams Make Me Smile Sometimes « Keep Calm and Blog

Hello (:

Today has been a good day. A very good day indeed, yeah, I prefer to think of it as a good day. Oh God, good day good day, how more redundant can I be?

Okay, yeah, why is it a good day?

I got the chance to meet the boyfriend, one major bonus point there ♥ Then, I delivered all my macarons to my "customers" and managed to get one good feedback from… Farid! Yeay!

And come on, after spending like 8 hours straight in the kitchen making this, I deserve some credits right? I mean, it's okay for me to drown in the sea of self pride and joy right…? You readers won't hate me for that, true?



Because I'm posting his tweet about my macarons, heh.

he he :B

Avrupa’ya Asya İstilası « bayabayafutbol

Error: Twitter did not respond. Please wait a few minutes and refresh this page.

Ôn tập kiến thức Vật lý với bản đồ tư duy « VUI HỌC LÝ

Bản đồ tư duy (BĐTD, mind map) là hình thức ghi chép sử dụng màu sắc, hình ảnh để mở rộng và đào sâu các ý tưởng. BĐTD một công cụ tổ chức tư duy nền tảng, có thể miêu tả nó là một kĩ thuật hình họa với sự kết hợp giữa từ ngữ, hình ảnh, đường nét, màu sắc phù hợp với cấu trúc, hoạt động và chức năng của bộ não, giúp con người khai thác tiềm năng vô tận của bộ não.

Bản đồ tư duy có thể giúp chúng ta hệ thống lại kiến thức sau mỗi bài học, chương, phần; giúp chúng ta nhớ lâu và sâu các kiến thức đã học,… Có thể áp dụng BĐTD cho tất cả các môn học, trong công việc lẫn cuộc sống.

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The Best Dessert I Ever Made « The Delicate Place

I have a lot to catch you people up on but in the meantime, enjoy this creation I accidently made this evening.

Vanilla Cardamom Coconut pudding/cream

35g young coconut meat

1/8 tsp stevia

1tsp xanthan gum

1tsp cinnamon (yeah i love it)

1/8 tsp cardamom (it's strong so be careful!)

1/2c unsweetened almond milk

8-10 ice cubes

blend in your vita-mix and garnish with raw pumpkin seeds or pistachios. thank me later :) the texture is a cross between an ice cream and a pudding which in my opinion is PERFECT for springtime. be sure to enjoy the coconut water before you cut out the meat! if you've never opened a young coconut before watch this: http://www.rawguru.com/html/openyoungcoconut.html

Let me know if you try this! sorry the photo is so ugly, i just really wanted to eat it! Share this:

Philosophy | Laura Felts

Difendi i tuoi diritti: devolvi ad Uni.Cons. il tuo 5X1000 « Uni.Cons. Puglia

Vi chiediamo un gesto che a voi contribuenti non costa nulla, ma può essere molto importante per difendere i vostri diritti: devolvere il 5×1000 alla nostra associazione.

Ci aiuterete cosi a difendervi quando i vostri diritti di cittadino/consumatore saranno minacciati, con nuovi progetti ed aperture di nuovi sportelli nelle maggiori città italiane.

Basta scrivere il nostro codice fiscale 07042860721 nell'apposito spazio sulla dichiarazione dei redditi: un gesto per diventare tutti insieme più forti

Hitting the road, plus 40 Things #8 | 40for40years

We are finally on the road. We began the day with the Royal Wedding, and followed by attending a music demonstration, which leads to …..
40 Things to Do # 8: take music lessons.
The musical family giving the hour-long demonstration explained how they can get you from zero to sixty inside three months, if you are willing to practice, and longer if you aren't. Who among you took music lessons as a child and hated to practice? Me too. We are hoping this time it will be different. Maybe because we won't be learning Hot Cross Buns, but will be learning Little Burnt Potato.
The musical family giving the demo offered four instruments: piano, guitar, fiddle and banjo. We own a guitar, a banjo, an autoharp, and a dulcimer. Plus we have Dale's dad's fiddle. Dale was going to sign up for guitar, but thinks maybe fiddle. I said what the hell, I'll take banjo. I hear you LOL. As well you might. We'll see how this pans out.
Anyway, back on the road, we arrived in Guelph in the evening, bought some cheesecake, and went to visit my mom. She was watching Royal Wedding reruns on BBC, and actually didn't really want to tear herself away to talk to us. She was fairly lucid, and we only had a few topics we had to repeat several times until she got it.
A highlight of the evening was our hotel room at the Day's Inn. Just a regular hotel room in size and accoutrements, except it was in a spot of the building with an elevation change. Instead of a second bed, we have a set of stairs. Not just a simple set of five stairs, but a sweeping grand staircase, reminiscent of Gone With the Wind. Quite fitting on Royal Wedding day, as they have staircases like this in Buckingham Palace. I keep having the urge to dance up and down like Fred Astaire, singing in the rain. Dale is lucky I don't have a top hat.
Onward to Cambridge today.

Haha « simonokarlsson


7.913066 98.294851

The loneliness of a combo deck player | Stidjen's Magic

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Em Algum Lugar Onde Nunca Estive | Carmen Gonçalves


em algum lugar onde nunca estive
tradução de Jorge Wanderley

em algum lugar onde nunca estive, e felizmente aquém
de qualquer experiência, teus olhos guardam seu silêncio:
em teu gesto mais frágil há coisas que me envolvem
ou que não posso tocar porque estão muito próximas

teu olhar mais leve facilmente me descerra
embora eu me tenha fechado como dedos,
e me entreabres sempre, pétala por pétala, como a Primavera
(por toques habilidosos, misteriosamente) abre a primeira rosa

ou se teu desejo é me fechar, eu e 
minha vida nos fecharemos formosa e rapidamente
como quando o coração desta flor imagina
que a neve – cuidadosamente – está caindo em toda a parte;

nada do que podemos perceber neste mundo se compara
ao poder de tua intensa fragilidade;  cuja textura
me compromete com a cor de seus países
e me entrega para a morte cada vez que respiro

(nada sei do que te faz tão poderosa 
ao me mover; mas algo em mim compreende apenas 
que a voz de teus olhos é mais profunda que todas as rosas)
ninguém, nem mesmo a chuva, tem as mãos tão pequenas.

e. e. cummings Fonte: http://ainagaki.sites.uol.com.br/textos/cummings.htm O lugar mais alto de Portugal Continental.Image via Wikipedia

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Alan Fitzpatrick « Chandlerbling's Blog

Alan Fitzpatrick was our third guest speaker of the semester. He remained quite humble about the whole thing throughout and didn't blab on about his own background. The main talk of the hour was on the Filmbase where he is heads a department. He is managing director. Film base are located in Temple bar in the heart of Dublin. It is quoted on the website as being a Public Space.

He described Filmbase as a non-profit organisation for filmmakers in need of equipment and sources and the like. They are also free to use the dedicated editing facilities that they have.

Alan gave us useful hints on how to sell your idea when applying for a Filmbase grant grant. They will first of all need a copy of your script, formatted and presented to industry standard. Only the best presented will be treated seriously. Out of two or three or four kickass scripts, the well-formatted one will come out on top. First impressions are important! If you're lucky enough to be in a long-list, there is an extensive interview process. Confidence is key here just like in any interview, but don't have too much confidence. Sometimes too much can leave the interviewer questioning. Maybe you are just full of it and do you really have the skills necessary?You have to be 100% sure what and how you're doing and enjoy what you are doing. Unconfident? How will you be able to handle a crew and cast if you can't handle yourself in a one on one interview?The company is funding up to three short films a year from out of 250 to just over 300 applicants. There are three to four rounds of interviews just like how the CAO system works when you left school. So there is alot of demand for the service. Good luck to ya!

Filmbase also has a lot of courses like Film Production, Post Production, Multimedia, application courses, such as Photoshop, Illustrator, Dreamweaver, Flash, etc. It also offers trainings in Film and Film Equipment. The company organizes the screenings, releases a magazine and does the funding to the successful applicants as I mentioned before.

The most interesting part was when Alan showed us a few short films that his company have funded or been involved in some way with. Tufty was the one that stuck out for most people,because honestly, dancing isn't alot of people's cuppa tae! Tufty portrayed teddy bears as they are being hunted and are later sold as toys which represents poaching for animal fur and the like. It was very dark, but the subject matter which it represented is also pretty disturbing so they pulled it off very well. Was very impressed.The class were talking about it for a good few days after anyway.

Film base celebrate their 25th anniversary this year! For more info, if that is what your into, visit: www.filmbase.ie for more info.

~ by chandlerbling on April 30, 2011. Posted in Working in Digital Media

甲府駅 近くの七賢酒蔵 « AKIRA KAMEDA(かめだ あきら)

山村さん!ありがとう! 共有: Facebook

Royal Wedding Fever « One Swell Mummy

I have been slightly off the radar with all the build up to the Royal Wedding as our village really pushed the boat out and we held a huge event at our pub in the evening. A brilliant night was had by all and the whole day was just perfect.

I thought the new Duchess of Cambridge looked truly beautiful and whilst I am not her biggest fan I though a pregnant Victoria Beckham looked amazing in her dress. I had saved a special outfit from Jacardi for Little G to wear on the day and he did look very smart but all the excitement took it's toll and he slept through the entire service.

Also check out these brilliant commemorative plates from KK Outlet.


We have a pretty hectic week ahead of us as we prepare for our first holiday since the arrival of Little G. The Glam Granny flies in on Friday to join us for the week, so the house has to be cleaned from top to toe and be looking immaculate. I may be gone some time……….

Dopo William e Kate si torna all’ammmore vero, in Italia. |

Non siete traumatizzati?
Non vi sentite persi?

La favola è finita: niente carrozze, niente bambine scoglionate, niente cappellini, niente paggetti, niente Harry, niente dirette tv, niente vestitini da Ferrero Rocher, niente Ambrogggggi, niente telegiornali sul punto nero dell'invitata X, niente sorrisetti beffardi sulla povertà, niente Pippe.

Eppure,  c'è una storia d'amore che merita di esser ricevere attenzioni.
Una storia d'amore vera, nata per caso dopo il catechismo,  una di quelle storie d'amore che mancano all'Italia, solita parlare di trantran politici e di trantran gieffini.

Strani amori che nascono per caso, che si evolvono e si palesano attraverso lettere d'amore nascoste segretamente dietro le bottiglie di Jagermeister.

Sono ragazzi che hanno il cervello sotto i capelli, che si inginocchiano, che sono maturi, che valgono, che spilano per il carnevale e non perdono tempo dietro al pallone; ragazzi che sognano, che s'abbracciano il materasso e vengono presi per pazzi: è la nuova generazione dell'Italiano correggiuto, del "Io ti amo, sei il mio amo" (in casi estremi si può parlare anche di "principessa, cucciola, stellina"). Sono i ragazzi che si dedicano ancora le canzoni degli amici di Giggi. Sono ragazzi che posizionano accuratamente la webcam per essere precisi sulle parti anatomiche.

I ragazzi sono ancora in grado di commuoversi molto
(dramatic pause)

Ma poi si può fare  questa vita a quindici anni?

Hanno fatto le raccolte in dvd di Stranamore?
Perchè nessuno ha fermato la produzione?

Ma genericamente parlando:

PERCHE'? Share this:

Interview mit Peter Facinelli: „Es gibt Überraschungen.“ | MerelyTwiSisters

In einem Interview, das Peter Facinelli aufnahm, als er durch den Grand Canyon vergangene Woche lief um für mehr Umweltbewusstsein zu „demonstrieren", spricht Peter Facinelli fast ausschließlich über Breaking Dawn.

Es wird Überraschungen geben

, sagt Peter im Interview und es scheint so, als wäre er fast genauso aufgeregt wie wir, wenn der Film endlich im November in die Kinos kommt.

Ryan Mallett is a Patriot. Wanna know why he’s like Randy Moss? « A.ssorted D.avid H.arten D.ialogue

The T.V. at work was on silent, but unfortunately for me, I read lips incredibly well.

"With the 74th pick in the 2011 NFL Draft, the New England Patriots select Ryan Mallett. Quarterback. University of Arkansas"

I bent over, grabbed my knees and fought off the urge to vomit (I was at work, after all). The same player that I had said was a great physical specimen but the Patriots had no need for, is now a Patriot. With a steely, proven veteran already in place with at least half a decade left in him of quality time. Why, God? WHY!?!?!

After taking a few (hundred) deep breaths and having someone unhinge from a straight jacket, I thought about it rationally. It's a good pick. Mallett easily has the best arm in the draft and can sit behind Tom Brady for 3-4 years and learn how to lead, how to win, and how to be a big kid. Then get his shot at starting…if he doesn't find the  nearest bong and screw it all up first.

But that's why he was DRAFTED by the Patriots, not signed as a free agent. Unlike a former problem child that New England dragged in. I explain:

Player comes to the Patriots with a reputation as a bit of a wild child with some past legal troubles. Labeled as a high risk, but high reward player with the talent in his body to be great, but the lack-there-of in his head to allow him to throw it all away. But the Patriots bring him in, reform him and make him great, even if it's for their own personal benefit. Who does that sound like? I'll give you an anagram: 'Mandy Ross'.

No. 81 proved to be valuable until he acted up last season, at which point, he was canned. Mallett could be that same player, only in quarterback form. But also could suffer the same fate if he screws it up. Which I don't wish on him, but I also didn't wish it on Moss, and it happened. Difference is Moss was brought in to contribute immediately. Mallett will have more than enough time to live and learn.

...and he gets to learn from this guy


Pengendalian Penyakit patah batang/teklik yang disebabkan jamur Choanephora cucurbitarum pada Tanaman Cabai « BP4K Tapanuli Utara

Gejala utama penyakit patah batang/teklik pada tanaman cabe adalah busuknya bunga, tangkai bunga, cabang dan ranting tanaman. Penyakit ini biasanya menyerang pada pucuk tanaman (tanaman muda) kemudian menjalar pada bagian tanaman yang lebih tua. Jika pucuk tanaman terserang akan berwarna coklat kehitaman dan membusuk kadangkala terlihat adanya spora berwarna kelabu kehitaman.

Penyakit ini disebabkan oleh jamur Choanephora cucurbitarum. Jamur ini akan mudah tersebar oleh angin pada cuaca yang lembab dan ada angin. Penyakit ini juga mudah menular melalui singgungan antara daun/ cabang yang terserang dan daun yang sehat.

Untuk mengendaliakan penyakit ini sebenarnya hampir sama dengan pengenalian penyakit cabe yang lain, diantaranya adalah:

Jaga jarak tanam, jangan terlalu rapat sehingga kelembaban bisa dikurangi Kurangi penggunaan pupuk urea sehingga tanaman lebih tahan penyakit Kebersihan lingkungan harus selalu dijaga Jika tanaman sudah terserang pangkas pucuk tanaman yang terserang kemudian bakar Gunakan fungisida dengan cara kerja kontak seperti Dithane, Antracol, Dakonil, Kocide untuk mencegahnya. Dan gunakan yang bekerja secara sistemik seperti Derosal, Bion M, Anvil dan Benlate untuk mengobatinya.

Semoga Bermanfaat >> God Bless us 

Massacre in Syria: Dozens killed «

Massacre in Syria: Dozens killed – Israel News, Ynetnews.

Syrian forces fire at thousands of villagers protesting in Deraa, scores hurt, activists say; official news agency says four soldiers killed in attack on checkpoint in restive city

Reuters Latest Update: 04.30.11, 00:11 / Israel News

LES TRAINS DU MONDE-Tunisie « Philatélie et Collections du Jacquemard

My Twelfth Confession… | Confessions Of A School Teacher's Blog

Confession #12: I SUPPORT any movie which highlights teaching.

There are a lot of movies out there that celebrate the teaching profession and a few that condemn it, but I like seeing them all.  It is nice to know that someone can make money from this profession- even if it is just an actor:)  Just joking, but I do like these movies because, good or bad, they tend to shed some light on the trials of being a teacher.  I want others to see how important the profession can be!  (I can even stand those movies about the "white savior" teacher who is seemly the only hope for the minority inner city kids to learn….sometimes- but that's another blog)

So, needless to say, I was pleasantly surprised when I saw the description for the movie, Detachment, at the Tribeca Film Festival.  Below is the review I wrote for the Film.  Let me know what you think!


"You can see me? Thank you!" ~ Mr. Wiatt

I sat in the theater very excitingly awaiting this movie because, as a teacher, I encourage any movie that can highlight the impact teachers can make on the educational field and its students.  However, it was very clear, based on the abstractness of the director's introductory musical performance that this movie may be about something entirely different.

Needless to say I was right.  Detachment was a movie about the psychological trials and demands teachers undergo on a daily basis with students, faculty, colleagues, and administration.  It does an excellent job of highlighting the shift in responsibility that has occurred over the last century.

The movie isn't pretty.  It isn't some story about an amazing teacher who transforms a class from failure to success.  Instead it is a real account of some of the lack of respect that teachers receive and the need for appreciation that students crave from adults.  Viewers walk away with good and bad depictions of teachers, but more importantly  incite into the real demands and the need for more respect in the educational field.

The movie is mainly about a substitute teacher names Henry Barthes.  Henry purposefully choose a career as a substitute teacher because he does not like to be attached to anyone in his life.  A new teaching assignment places him at a failing public school which alters his private world.   He develops a relationship with three different women: a student, a fellow teacher, and a teenage runway; who make an impact in his life.   The movie models a contemporary vision of people who become increasingly distant from others while still feeling the need to connect.

The movies stars Lucy Liu (Kill Bill), Blythe Danner (Meet the Parents), James Caan (The Godfather), Tim Blake Nelson (O Brother Where Art Thou), William Petersen (CSI), and Bryan Cranston (Malcolm in the Middle), but it is  Adrian Brody (The Piano) who carries the film on his able shoulders.  I recommend you check this out.


Kazaf : Hudud atau Ta’zir? « Aburedza

Pekara 38: KAZAF

1.  Ialah melemparkan tuduhan zina kepada orang yang baik lagi suci atau menafikan keturunannya. (Nihayah al-Muhtaj: 7/139)

2. Qazaf dalam jinayah syar`iyah terbahagi kepada dua bahagian:

a. Qazaf yang pesalah-pesalahnya boleh dikenakan hukuman hudud, seperti seseorang menuduh seseorang yang baik lagi suci berzina tanpa mengemukakan 4 orang saksi lelaki yang adil. b. Qazaf yang pesalah-pesalahnya boleh dikenakan hukuman ta`zir, seperti seseorang menuduh seseorang yang lain kufur, mencuri, minum arak atau murtad dan sebagainya, termasuk mencaci, memaki dan lain-lainnya yang boleh menjatuhkan maruah seseorang dan menghinanya. (Hukuman ta`zir maksudnya ialah bentuk hukuman itu diserah kepada kebijaksanaan kerajaan atau pemerintah; samada nak denda, nak penjara, atau nak macamana ka, terpulang kepada kebijaksanaan pemerintah.)

Pekara 39: Hukum Qazaf

Menuduh seseorang yang baik lagi suci berzina tanpa mengemukakan 4 orang saksi lelaki yang adil, hukumnya adalah haram dan termasuk dalam dosa besar dan wajib dikenakan hukuman had qazaf (sebat) sebanyak 80x sebat, dan tidak boleh diterima penyaksiannya selama-lamanya, kerana dia adalah orang yang fasiq. Firman Allah swt yang bermaksud,

"Dan orang-orang yang melemparkan tuduhan zina kepada perempuan-perempuan yang terpelihara kehormatannya, kemudian mereka tidak membawa 4 orang saksi, maka sebatlah mereka 80x sebat, dan janganlah kamu menerima persaksian mereka itu selama-lamanya, kerana mereka itu adalah orang-orang yang fasiq." (Surah an-Nur:4)

Pekara 40 : Penuduh yang boleh dikenakan hukuman had qazaf.

 1.Seseorang yang menuduh seseorang yang lain berzina yang boleh dikenakan hukuman had qazaf ke atasnya adalah tertakluk di bawah 5 syarat:



Kemahuan sendiri

Mengetahui haramnya qazaf

Bukan ibubapa dan datuk hingga ke atas kepada orang yang dituduh

2. Jika orang yang menuduh itu gila atau kanak-kanak yang belum baligh, tidak boleh dikenakan hukuman had qazaf ke atas mereka. Ini adalah berdasarkan hadith Rasulullah saw yang diriwayatkan oleh Imam Bukhari; mafhumnya,

"Allah tidak akan menyiksa 3 golongan manusia, iaitu kanak-kanak sehingga ia baligh, orang yang tidur sehingga ia bangun dari tidurnya, dan orang yang gila sehingga ia sembuh dari gilanya." (Riwayat Bukhari dalam al-Sahih)

3. Seseorang yang dipaksa untuk membuat tuduhan (bukan dengan kemahuannya sendiri) menuduh seseorang yang lain berzina, tidak boleh juga dikenakan hukuman had qazaf ke atas mereka. Sabda Rasulullah saw yang bermaksud,

"Allah mengangkatkan (menghapuskan) dosa umatku yang tersilap dan terlupa dan dosa mereka yang dipaksa melakukan sesuatu kesalahan." (HR Tabrani dari sanad yang sahih).

4. Kanak-kanak yang belum baligh dan telah mumaiyiz yang menuduh seseorang berzina tidak boleh dikira sebagai kesalahan qazaf yang boleh dikenakan hukuman had qazaf, tetapi kanak-kanak yang telah mumaiyiz itu wajib dikenakan ke atasnya hukuman ta`zir.

5. Orang yang tidak mengetahui haram qazaf tidak boleh dikenakan hukuman had qazaf ke atasnya, kerana di antara syarat-syarat orang yang menuduh seseorang itu berzina yang boleh dikenakan hukuman had qazaf yang disebutkan dalam perkara 40 (iv) ialah orang yang mengetahui haram qazaf itu.

6. Jika seorang bapa atau ibu menuduh anaknya berzina, atau datuk hingga ke atas menuduh cucunya melakukan zina, mereka itu tidak boleh dikenakan hukuman had qazaf sebagaimana yang disebutkan dalam perkara 40 (v).


Qanun Jinayah Syariah Dan Sistem Kehakiman Dalam Perundangan Islam Berdasarkan Quran Dan Hadis

Atau boleh di baca di:


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Time Genes – 2nd in our Science Fiction Trilogy | richdalebooks

On Earth in our present time, Lara is involved in a serious road accident that leaves her as a quadriplegic. She is helped  by going through a portal to Havenseed where technology not even discovered on Earth, is used to restore her to a normal healthy life.

But does it?

Unknown to herself and her family, her new body includes genetically enhanced genes with side effects, both positive and negative, that affect her family and herself, both now and in the future.

Travel with Lara and her family through space-time as they find the consequences of her time genes may allow carnivore plants and reptilian species destroy humanity throughout the known worlds of the 24th century.

Only Aari's unborn child, Ralina can help but this is also difficult for she cannot exist in the same world as both an adult and a baby. This conflict of space-time will mean she will never have existed.

As well, her help is illegal and she is brought to trial to answer for crimes against society.

Ebook S2.99 Share this: Email

Poll Time! « The Teen Theme

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Cheers to William & Kate! « La Belle Mélange

Congratulations and best wishes to the happy couple! William and Kate! Now known as the Duke & Duchess of Cambridge!

I will be sharing my favorite fashions and hats from the Royal Wedding a bit later :)

cheers! andrea ♥

The Royal Wedding « Memories of a School Girl

I just HAVE to say they look cute together, but i'm not sure about her clothing:

I like the way the dress poofs out, not too far and not too little. I think the train is a bit much, but it would look better without a girl holding it up. i like her bouquet, but i think there should have been some actual color in there some place. I don't define green as a color in plants, personally.

I like the V neck, and the length of the sleeves, but i don't like the lace sleeves themselves. I'm not a big lace person in general, so it probably doesn't mean much.

Now, the veil. This is where i find the most problems. it totally obscures her face, and her her face is one of her best features. I also think it's too long, and  that the tiara should go over it, so that when she pulls it over her head, it covers the tiara.

The tiara itself is very pretty, though. Small, simple, glamourous. I think she did a good job with jewelry, despite the lack of necklace. I especially like those earrings, too.

Now for William:

Look at the color. Yeesh, people. Don't wear red and blue and gold when your bride is dressed in white!

I have to say that this reminds me of Cinderella's wedding. Anyone else having thoughts?

Anyhow, this color is too sharp in contrast to her dress. And what's with the sleeves? Like one of those iron on patches that you didn't put on right. I like the things at the shoulders, very Prince Charming, but what's with the blue sash:

 Does anybody else see the resemblance?!

I mean really, people! If you're gonna have a wedding, do it right:

This is the perfect dress for kate. Either that, or :

 or or


I have to confess, i'm not sure how long they'll be together. But as long as they last, let's hope they have a better sense of style in the future.

