
Annoying coyote « Retrieverman's Weblog


I don't know if we can call this encounter "an attack," but one thing is clear:   This coyote is way too habituated to people for its own good.

My guess is that someone has fed this coyote in the past, and although the historical record is full of people taming wild dogs like this, it is probably not such a good idea. People often don't have good dog sense with domestic dogs. How could they know what to do with an habituated wild coyote?

Plus, people are hell on coyotes. One this cavalier about approaching people is likely to be shot.

And if it nibbles on someone playfully, it will be deemed a killer coyote of the worst sort and be hunted down as a threat to the very existence of humanity.

This coyote needs some hazing. Share this:

