
Ch-ch-ch-changes « And Baby B Makes Three!

Just some interesting changes I've noticed during pregnancy:

*Many women experience increased acne when they are pregnant, but so far both times I've been fortunate and it's gone the opposite way — when not expecting, I usually have the occasional blemish (typically on my forehead or chin), but now I have nothing. I'm definitely loving that perk!

*Many women also notice a change in their hair. Looking back at pictures from my pregnancy with Baby B, I can tell that my hair got darker as time went on, but I never noticed any textural differences or anything. (I'm always completely amazed by people whose stick-straight hair turns curly, or vice versa.) Anyway, I did notice something unusual last weekend. Typically I have to wash my hair every single day or else it gets noticeably greasy at the roots. This past weekend I had washed my hair on Friday around noon, and by Sunday evening, it was still in pretty decent shape and had no greasiness to it at all. Normally I would've had to wash it on both Saturday and Sunday, so this is definitely a change for me.

*Just like last time, the hair on my legs is growing in much more slowly than normal. Yet another welcome change, as it means I don't have to shave often at all.

*How about something random now? I am normally a person who does not leave the house without my watch. I can be sitting at work and have a wall clock, computer clock, and a clock on my phone all within view at the same time, but I still feel lost without my watch. When I was pregnant with Baby B, however, I couldn't stand to wear my watch. Something about it bugged me to no end, and I couldn't wear it the rest of the time. And I'll be damned if the same thing didn't start happening last week. I keep my watch in my purse with me in case I feel the overwhelming need for it, but I don't anticipate pulling it out anytime soon.

