
Define: crazy love | Afternoon brunch

Crazy; Absurd or out of the ordinary behavior

Jesus, a man, who lived a sinless life, chose to take on all of our sins, personally. Because of this he was beaten, bruised, whipped, humiliated, betrayed, stoned, and endured one of the most grueling and painful forms of execution ever devised by man, and when all the wrath of God was being poured onto him, he was thinking of you, personally by name. He was dying, suffering, and sacrificing himself to save you. While hanging from the cross, thorns pressing into his head, nails pounded into this hands, and feet, lacerations from the brutal beatings and whipping before, he was thinking of you and how much he loves you. He CHOSE to sacrifice his perfect, sinless life to save yours. This is a love that walks, a love that breaths, a love that lives. A crazy love.

with love,


