
Pretty please with sugar on top? « Rosecreams and Dreams


Chip is a charmer. He is extremely good at begging. In fact, much to my chagrin and lack of willpower, he frequently gets a nibble of whatever I'm having (well, not everything).

Taken today is a classic example of one of the methods he employs.  He never barks or demands but he will rather sweetly or in this case, sadly implore you with those big brown eyes to give him a bite of your food.

I used to admonish Kolya about overfeeding his pet Tigger, however with this he will probably tell me I have no right to tell him not to indulge him. I do say in my defense however,  that I do primarily feed him his vet approved dog food and treats. Still I suppose the lack of willpower is what is in question here. To that I know he is right. 

Chip did however get a lovely new toy yesterday for Easter, an AKC approved squeaky toy rabbit.  He loved it to bits. He did not get any chocolate.

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