
Riddles | jdavidhale

Why are hippies star gazers? What is a foreign ant? Why shouldn't you measure weeds? Who is fed up with people? If you shot one of three birds in a tree, how many would be left? Which are the strongest days of the week? You are drugged and pelted, lost three letters and left with one. Which is correct to say "The yolk of the egg are white" or "The yolk of  the egg is white?" How many letters are in "the alphabet"? What question you can never answer yes? What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in a  thousand years? What bird might you hear gulping at the dinner table? Who always slept with his shoes on? What is yellow and black and goes zzzubbbb? What does a cow and an earthquake make? When does running mean walking? Where can you add two to eleven and get one? What's the biggest use of cowhide? A yellow hat in the Red Seais? Freaked out a hundred feet in the air and back on the ground? How do you make seven even without adding or subtracting? Some months have 30 days, some months have 31 days; how many have 28? What has four eyes but can't see a thing? I have a foot between two other feet. What am I doing? Why don't seagulls live near bays? What is a kitten's favorite site-seeing place? A sleeping bull is a ? Why are noses in the middle of the face?
Because …. … .. … …….!
Because they are in the scenter! How does a grasshopper feel about a broken leg? What do frogs order at a fast food restaurant? What does it really mean when you find horse shoes? What should the judge say when a skunk comes in the courtroom? What happened when the cat forgot to use a comma? What is the difference between a comma and a cougar? What kind of stores to lizards like? What kind of dog tells time? Why do traveling crows like telephone lines? Why do hummingbirds hum? Why can't ducks play baseball? RIDDLES: http://www.riddleindex.com/Default.aspx
http://www.bouldercolorado.gov/index.php?option=com_content&task=view&id=2816&Itemid=1155 http://www.rinkworks.com/brainfood/p/riddles2.shtml
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