
Status Update #2 « Truth In Inquiry

Currently i am still doing a little more research on my topic, just like i mentioned in my presentation. I am still hoping to find some good solid information including statistics about manufacture car sales that compare hybrid and non-hybrid model cars. I feel as if the presentation helped me attempt to organize the information I already have. Hopefully i will be able to get a good solid draft finish  as soon as possible to allow me to go to the writing center and do a lot of fine tuning and polishing to my paper. I plan to have a few people read my essay once I have completed a draft to allow me to get opinions from others on how I can improve my paper.  I have started working on an introduction but I am not sure what i am going to do with it yet and need to put some more thought and revisions into it.


Due to the recent drastic change in cost of fuel and the economy slowly continuing to worsen the market for hybrid powered vehicles has risen. Manufactures have stepped up to the task of creating cars that are far less harmful to the environment, and also reach nearly 60 or more miles per gallon.  Hybrid vehicles are becoming more popular but due to the high cost of purchasing a hybrid, many consumers are unable to justify buying one.  If the manufactures could manage to lower the cost of hybrid vehicles, consumers would find it more beneficial to spend the money and purchase one of the new high-tech hybrid vehicles. Share this: Email Share Facebook

