
We Would Not Let Others Stumble « Rosevoc2's Blog

These days, I'm just going around.

Here's what I saw:

The church workers, yet as church workers, some of these people come short of kindness. Though most of them could be affluent, and worked for posts in an office or a business they run short of GMRC (Good Manners and Right Conduct).

Check this two samples:

1. We were sitting on the middle pews of the small chapel when one benefactor (maybe) told us that those seats were for the seminarians.

Thought: I think they were being rude. The church officers or the seminarians should be the one to tell, if so. I only answered "Yes" but I didn't move. I told my children not to move, as well, and we had the same thoughts. Be still. Anyway, there were no seminarians that day. I felt they wouldn't be coming, so that was why I chose that seat.

How could people be invited to church if there were people who couldn't be so kind? If I were a new and shy church goer I would never go back to that church again. They could have called the church staff to do the advisory, or could they say "Please?"

It is a matter of saying it nicely and in the proper timing.

2. I was kneeling on the last pew of the small chapel when one old adorned woman told me to lift the kneeling pads because somebody might stumble.

Thought: Will the seminarians stumble? Why? Are the seminarians kids? Students outside go to school, ride buses, and go home late. Are they helping these students (soon) to be priests become imbecile? I know there might be old people passing by, but the church/chapel is not a hospital. It is house of prayer. She could have let me finish my prayer. How would one pray solemnly with these people acting as if they owned the church? Are they not happy if they see people kneeling and praying? They were thinking what would happen next, but they couldn't grasp the present.

Be known that the church is built for prayer, meditation, and rest with God.

If those experiences could happen to me, then other people could be victims, too. I'm not trying to be perfect, as I am not worthy like anyone. But then, the faithful has to understand that respect of prayer and respect of belief is free for all. Those who help the church (in any way, in cash or in kind) must understand that they help to share something to God and to others. They must not deem payment or even lordship over others. They must serve with zeal, but with compassion and speak words kindly.

Of course, one could admonish and show care to the church, but do so with humility. Please understand that everyone is trying to be good. We would not let others stumble.

Holy Spirit guide our ways that we may learn wisdom, humility, and kindness for all.

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