
Who are YOU? « lasattack

What do i see in this world, i see alot of two-face people. Ones who care only of themselves and their successes and care nothing of any other person or people in the world. Then there are people who are all nice to you one minute and then rood to you the next of nice to your face but turn your back on you and start talking crap to another person.

But then there are people who would save another person's life, some who would take a bullet for a complete stranger or someone you may know and love. People who would donate a kidney for someone who is in dire need of a transplant. some one who would stop and give a homeless person 20 bucks for some food, clothes or possible shelter. People who start a business to help others with daily needs. Someone who shows the love of Our Holy Spirit to who ever comes in to their life. Someone who gives a friends a place to live, support their loved ones and or friends through any situation they may be going through and always being all ears for some one to talk to. All of this is what our God would want us to be like plus so much more!!

My Question for you…..

Who Are you?

What Kind of person are you?

