
“He talks about you in his sleep” | Praying to Darwin

Day 14 – A Song No One Would Expect You to Like


If you knew me when I was a kid, the idea that I would ever like a country song would have been akin to saying I'd grown a second head.  Just no fucking way, outside of a nuclear explosion, radiation poisoning situation.


Everyone around me liked country.  It seemed lame and old-fashioned and small-minded and hokey and a whole string of adjectives that also described the way I felt about the area in which I grew up.


So if you knew me then, you might not think I'd like:


Jolene – Dolly Parton



I adore Dolly.  Her voice gets into a place in my brain and gut that not many folks can.  So even though I want to slap her silly for being pathetic, she does such an amazing job, that it makes me question my position on the subject.


Because the slightest hint of competition sends me running.  I wouldn't fight.  I haven't fought.  I just won't.  I'm either exactly what is wanted, or I'm out.


I honestly don't know if that's wrong or not.

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