
Tooth fairy | Brown Jenkin

This week I had two teeth extracted. Funnily enough they were both previously extracted by a hockey ball when I was about 14. I was bloody good at hockey too.
The extraction was ok, more painful than the initial hockey ball, but ok. I shed a solitary tear. Not one of sorrow but eye watering pain as i was injected repeatedly with 'pain-killer'. I guess if you raise the bar that high then everything else is fine.

I dreaded the thought of dentures, even if they are temporary. Christ knows the following tooth implants with jaw raw-plugs don't sound much better. But for me dentures seem to fast track me to old age.
However, I forget that my teeth for the past 20 years have been shocking. 14 year old dead teeth in a 34 year old mouth. WONKY
Now I have a smile of sorts, beforehand my nephew eloquently described me as a witch.
I'll have it known I've never got that broomstick to work and if I did turn him into a newt it was an accident, he'll get better.
I'm not scared to smile anymore. I never realised I was but now I do with a sigh of relief. I'm not nor never will be vain, but my teenage years were plagued by knocked out, reinserted, braced, de-nerved teeth. By the end I would have been happy toothless to not have to go back.

However, eating with the chuffing thing is another matter. I have not mastered it. I Normally woolf food, chewing is optional. With the denture I walk the tightrope of chewing the food or swallowing the false teeth. Its really juggling food in the circus of the mouth. But I will learn. I'm greedy, I'll never starve. Even if I have to remove my teeth and use them as a pestle, I'll eat.

I hate the empty mouth feeling at night but I'll get used to it, much as I hate the denture it's quite a relief. I oddly feel kind of special having it. I guess because it's a step up from the past two decades, oddly comforting.

Anyhow, Spring is here. Greenery has never seemed so green nor vibrant. I have missed that warm sunshine! Share this:

